Congrats..1 kill for the clouds



On a good running career with 10h flyingtime and 22 kills at 110 percent reality i was chasing Pups when i came next to a cloud,actually it was just a bit of fog.being aware of the InCloudEffect i tried to avoid it but my plane began to tumble anyway.The screen became red..and red..and red...and-?drop to OFF menu?there i was told to fill out my claim report and that i would go to prisoncamp afterward to spend the rest of the war there.End of my career.Downed by a cloud.Heavenly.
After the latest patch and it's new Realism penalties I just decided that I no longer care about that score. Changing rear guns from wide to tight dropped me from 100% to 50%, this with DiD and only AutoMixture on. I sat and thought about it for a bit and decided that hey 50% is a Fail anyway, why bother? So I went all out and am now playing with 0% realism and just enjoying myself with learning to fly and shoot better.
When I've got TrackIR and 50 hours stick time I expect I will enjoy 100%.

Please note that I'm currently checking if running under English settings will change some very odd AI behaviour I've experienced.
Unlucky Dermo.

The in cloud spinning has always been there though, always enabled. The only change is now you KNOW when you are in danger as it's foggy in the cloud!

The "disable in cloud" option does NOT disable the turbulence at all and never did, so we have recently found - we believed it reduced it but nope.

We are working on how to disable it - maybe if we can it will be in a future patch.
Pov I think that claims should be seperated from the realism settings...maybe the red marker that says where they are set but the flight / combat realism should not suffer 40 points because you want to make a claims form easier (just a suggestion).
Personally I enjoy the added uncontrolable weather/fate/bad luck related flying aspects that clouds create. But hey, that's just me and my immersion thing :icon_lol:!

Not quite with you there MK2 ? If you want to be realistic then the claims are how we think it should be. If you want an easier game, and much easier claims and promotions by all means tick it just ignore messages about realism that's nothing to do with enjoying the game?

Probably best to post that in the DiD thread? This one is about clouds I thought ;)
Not quite with you there MK2 ? If you want to be realistic then the claims are how we think it should be. If you want an easier game, and much easier claims and promotions by all means tick it just ignore messages about realism that's nothing to do with enjoying the game?

Probably best to post that in the DiD thread? This one is about clouds I thought ;)

Sorry for the hIjack, I was repsonding to Geier...will do.
Hrm. Bad form from me there. Sorry DerMo, didn't actually mean to hi-jack your thread. I hear voices in my head and do what they tell me to ...:faint:
I've tried wrapping my mind around the "Cumulus Granite", but I have been chasing enemy fighters, closing in for the perfect ambush when they enter a cloud and I can't follow. It wouldn't be so bad if the AI had to deal with the same issues we do, or at least have AI avoid the clouds like we must.

Is there a way to turn off the "Cumulus Granite?"

Planes of that era didn't avoid clouds becasue they were "walls in the sky", they avoided them because there were no proper instruments or intrument flying. Pilots who entered took the risk of getting disorientated and spinning out, or vertigo.

Those same real like dangers can be had now, that is if we could even get into the clouds. I think it would add to the game if you gritted your teath and plunged into clouds after enemy fighters. You might make it through, or you might not.

Could the reason for the clouds be that there inside of the cloud is not programmed into the game and can not be rendered in the game?

Strong turbulence in clouds can flip you up and down many 100's of feet. So it's not totally unrealistic but.. as we said we are looking but it is not simple to force it to disable -
1) Don't know how, and no option in CFS3 to do it.
2) Can't find out how without a lot of work.

So we will try...
Thanks for the reply.

You guys are doing a great job! I've never seen or heard of any development team so responsive to it's community and dedicated to the customer's thoughts as the OFF Team has been.
I know much of what we suggest, while only taking 5 minutes to type in a forum, can result in hours, days, weeks, and months of work .

It's a great sim, I'm having a ball playing it.

Thanks again ..

I hope it can be fixed too. If you are not the flight leader and you follow your flight on a cloudy day they will fly right into these death clouds with no ill effects that I can see, but if you follow them you will most likely get thrown down to the tarmac. I had asked about this earlier, seems that you just have to try to go around or under them and hope you can catch up to your squad.
I hope it can be fixed too. If you are not the flight leader and you follow your flight on a cloudy day they will fly right into these death clouds with no ill effects that I can see, but if you follow them you will most likely get thrown down to the tarmac. I had asked about this earlier, seems that you just have to try to go around or under them and hope you can catch up to your squad.

If I encounter clouds with my flight, I usually just leave them and pack it in. I've died, like, 4 times from clouds, usually when I'm not even in the cloud proper, but still outside of it. Twice I have managed to cut all power and ride it out with some judicious rudder, but it seems like it is mostly luck!