Coming Soon
Pretty soon I'll put up some skins for the new Cat.
First will be what you'd expect from me - pre-war, pre-camouflage US Navy and Coast Guard Cats resplendent in metallic silver paint and yellow top wing surfaces.
I painted these skins back in the days when we never expected to see an early, round-tailed Cat, and since only two Navy squadrons flew the -5 before the advent of camouflage, I painted all four section leaders of each squadron. If I was painting these skins now, with the early model Cats in the hangar, I would only paint one plane from each squadron, maybe two at most. But since they are all already done, and have the required updates, I might as well release all of them. That makes it your decision, not mine, which ones to keep in your hangar. I will just be a matter of which rudder and section color combinations appeal to you.
The Coast Guard only received one Cat before camouflage, and all their planes were colored and marked alike anyway except for the serial numbers, so there's just the one Coastie skin.
Note that my original pre-war skins will not work with the new model, as there are some mapping changes, so even if you have the old ones, you'll need the new ones for the new model. The new skins also incorporate some texture enhancements; the colors are more realistic and the details on the textures are much improved. We can thank Shessi's sharp eyes and painting skills for the improvements.
I hope to have the pre-war skins wrapped up and uploaded today or tomorrow.
Not long after that I'll put up a few wartime skins. Starting with Shessi's outstanding textures, I'll be backdating his original skin to a slightly earlier time when it wore an earlier version of the national markings with "meatball" stars and rudder stripes, and one or two skins using the same basic color scheme but with later markings.
I also have a couple black Cat skins in the works, based on the original AlphaSims base textures. One will feature the red-bordered national insignia used briefly in mid-1943, and one will have the blue-bordered insignia used for the rest of the war.
The wartime skins will take a little longer to put up, since they still have to be modified to work with the modified mapping on the latest version of the model. I hope to get that done in the next couple days.
Cats wore other camo schemes than the early light blue and the black Cat ones, in both US and Commonwealth service, but I'll leave those to painters more skilled than I at painting realistic base textures. Soft edged camo schemes and combat zone weathering are beyond my skills as a painter.