contact_points, Distribution of the masses, weight between the front and the back ?


Charter Member
contact_points, Distribution of the masses, weight between the front and the back ?


Gentlemen, I'm looking for, in the contact-points or somewhere else,
to modify the Distribution of the masses, the weight between the front and the back...

anybody ?

... well, found it... I learn day after day... :) ...


max_gross_weight = xxxxxxx
empty_weight = xxxxxx
reference_datum_position = 0, 0, 0
empty_weight_CG_position = xxxxx, x, xxx
empty_weight_pitch_MOI = xxxxxx
empty_weight_roll_MOI = xxxxx
empty_weight_yaw_MOI = xxxxx
empty_weight_coupled_MOI = x

.... :running:

Maybe you can even learn more with this ..

FS2004 (ACOF) - Misc.
FS2004 How To Tweak Flight Dynamics
[ Download | View ]

Name: Size: 47,722 Date: 09-12-2005 Downloads: 1,819
FS2004 How To Tweak Flight Dynamics. This pdf file is for people who want to learn, or learn more, about updating the flight dynamics of FS2004 aircraft. It won't tell you everything, but it will tell you some things the majority of flight simmers don't know about updating flight dynamics. By Bob Chicilo.

And a tool for apply your new knowledges ..

FS2004 (ACOF) - Misc.
FS2004/FSX Air Ed
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Name: Size: 217,305 Date: 08-06-2009 Downloads: 1,965
FS2004/FSX Air Ed. This is a good copy of AirEd by William M. Roth. The uploader noticed that other versions of this utility are missing things. Like in primary aerodynamics under lift, there should be 8 records, not 6. This upload is for anyone who is trying to tweak the flight dynamics of FS2004 or FSX aircraft and might have been having a problem. Uploaded by Bob Chicilo.

All at
... claudius24, thank you very much...:salute:... I knew aireditor (AirEd), but I didn't know howtweak,
interesting !! Well, I transfered the flight dynamics of cloud9 Phantom to the IRIS Phantom, just
for testing... it works very well, but when I am landing, The front of the plane tends to get up, because it was necessary to move forwards the postion of rear gears ...
If I move the position of fuel tank, the phenomen decreases, but not enough...

... hard to find the real problem, but interesting...!

... I have also Airwrench, a payware program to explore the AIR file...

and, looking for another solution, I just yesterday discovered this:

another link on simviation, for maybe another version:


another link for the same program (v2.2 FS2004 and FSX), if problem:

well... now I can do tests for many years...:d

.... :wavey:

Cheers !
CoL and CoG typically ride together in FS. You can adjust and tweak CoG, once you get all the fundamental weight contributors and contact points in place, with this statement in the Airplane Geometry section of the cfg file. If you do not have it, download Herve Sors AFSD for readouts.

wing_pos_apex_lon = 2.5

This statement basically adjusts the position of the MAC fore/aft. This should easily get your CoG at or near 25% MAC and if you have fuel and other weight masses, and your contact points correct, you should be good. Tweak the air file for handling chacteristics from there.