Contrails just a question or two - thanks


Kurier auf Stube...pauke!
Staff member
These are added to the xdp, correct? Can someone share the code. Also, if I want them to appear at 19ft - how is that done? Thanks!
Depending on the model the location reference may need to be modified.
<Effect Type="Track" EffectName="fx_high_contrail" Location="emitter_eng0_exh_r" />
<Effect Type="Track" EffectName="fx_high_contrail" Location="emitter_eng0_exh_l" />

For these the start altitude | blend distance is set in AnKor's TextureMagic.ini file.

With these settings (basis1 and basis2) contrails start to display at 7500m (24,600 ft) and are full thickness at 8000m (26,250 ft).
The altitude that contrails form at varies with the seasons and weather conditions.

basis3 is used for the wing tip vortex effect that starts to display at 2500m (8200 ft) and becomes full thickness at 1000m (3300ft) to simulate the increasing moisture levels as you descend.

The last three entries are for lower altitude effects like helo ground effect dust.
Thanks - I was reading the Nuremburg Raid and contrails were fully visible at 19000 that night. So to model that night correctly will need to have an edited TextureMagic.ini

I read that some pilots flew at 22000-24000 to be above the lower flying planes so they would not be targeted first. Half moon, clear skies, and contrails, no wonder the RAF lost 98 planes plus another 14 being so damaged they were written off or 112 out of 725 that crossed the coast that night. The fact that the weather was to be clear and moon lit was with held from the bomber crews and they were told that cloud cover was to be expected.....
for the xdp effects entry
<Effect Type="StartEngine0" EffectName="helo_wash" PosX="0.0" PosY="-20.0" PosZ="0.0" MinVel="0.00" MaxVel="35"/>

and the effects xml entries
<fx_helo_wash ClassName="GroupEffect" Effect0="helo_ring" Effect1="helo_debris"/>
<helo_debris ClassName="ParticleEffect" EmitterShape="sphere" EmitterRadius="1" EmitterLifetime="1000" EmitterPosX="0.0" EmitterPosY="9.0" EmitterPosZ="0.0" ZBias="0.003" EmissionAngleHoriz="90" EmissionAngleVert="359" EmissionSpread="25" EmissionRate="1.5" EmissionRateVar="0" InitialDelay=".01" InitialCount="0" MinDistance="30" MaxDistance="3000" StopMethod="0" ZSort="0" UprightSprite="0" RandomStartRotation="1" RandomRotationDirection="1" Lifetime="25" LifetimeVar="10" Speed="3.5" SpeedVar="3" MaxSpeed="8.0" MaxSpeedVar="3.0" Accel="1" AccelVar="1" AccelTime="1" Gravity="0" Drag=".010" DragDelay="0" InheritVelocity="0.1" Size="25" SizeVar="10.0" MaxSize="50" MaxSizeVar="10" GrowRate="9.5" GrowRateVar="3" RotationRate="35" RotationRateVar="25" FadeInTime=".1" InitialColor="200 180 180" InitialAlpha="100" Color="200 180 180" Alpha="50" FadeOutTime="9" FinalColor="200 180 180" FinalAlpha="0" Texture="" BlendMode="QuadSprite"/>
<helo_ring ClassName="Shockwave" PullOnGround="1" CountCycles="10" Pulse="100" InitialDelay="0" Duration="5" FadeInTime="0" FadeOutTime="1" Pause="0" PosX="0" PosY="9.0" PosZ="0" InitialSize="20" FinalSize="20" Texture="" BlendMode="QuadSprite"/>

The only issue is if the altitude of the airfield surface is above 250m (820 ft) you don't see the effect at all. If you're at sea level then 250m is too high to realistically still be seeing any ground effects. It would be nice if these used AGL elevations, but that is too computationally intensive to be worth it.
Ah, I got my hopes up too soon. I Should have thought about it a little longer... :cry:
It would be most useful if such effects could be tied to the surface itself.