Controller assignments won't "stick"


Staff member
This has been driving me nuts in FS9 for years.

I just moved, so when I unpacked my computer, and plugged in my CH Products controllers, I had to reset many assignments, among them the slew commands. I don't want the yaw slew to be controlled by the rudder pedals, so I deleted that joystick assignment. But when I quit FS9 and re-launch it, the assignment is back! So I deleted it again, and again, and again. It won't “stick”! The last time I went through this, it did “stick” after I did it five or six times. This time, I don't know how many times I've tried it today so far, but it won't stick.
Make sure that your config file is not set as read only...that will prevent the changes you make from being saved to the file.

Restart the sim after making changes....I'm sure you are, but that is one thing I make sure to do after changing anything in my sim.

If all else fails, cuss at the monitor in a very loud voice...this will let your computer know that you mean business and will not tolerate its shananiguns.

Well, I tried cussing at the computer first, but that had no effect! :icon_lol:

If I look at the FS9.CFG file, it has a modified date/time of "now", so it looks like FS9 was able to save it. And some settings do "stick". Just this one won't.
Paul, just a thought,
when you go to SETTINGS,Assignments...CONTROLS-ASSIGNMENTS
and click on the Slew mode radio button
then the down arrow on the right of the Joystick type window,
what controllers are listed?
The three controllers that I have are listed: Yoke, throttles, rudder pedals. It's wierd. The whole reason for this was that when I tried to slew, the plane would spin around like crazy until it crashed into a tree or building. In the past I have found that this was caused by slew commands being assigned to things I didn't want or intend. After mucking about with it all day I have found that the rudder pedals now control yaw slew, and I can control it without the plane spinning like mad. Never could do that before. I don't know what I did, but at present, the configuration is "acceptable". Still can't delete the assignment though!
I was going to suggest re-assigning it to another axis, on another controller,
just to see if it would take.

I was under the impression that crashing was disabled in slew mode.
for example, if I go down from high altitude it just stops at ground level.
----------hang on----------------

I just ran a test and I go through buildings and mountains.
interesting that yours will spin until it hits something.
Actually, I think the crash occurs if I come out of slew positioned such that a tree is "growing" up through the plane. But it's spinning so fast I can't tell where I am until I stop slew.
The three controllers that I have are listed: Yoke, throttles, rudder pedals. It's wierd. The whole reason for this was that when I tried to slew, the plane would spin around like crazy until it crashed into a tree or building. In the past I have found that this was caused by slew commands being assigned to things I didn't want or intend. After mucking about with it all day I have found that the rudder pedals now control yaw slew, and I can control it without the plane spinning like mad. Never could do that before. I don't know what I did, but at present, the configuration is "acceptable". Still can't delete the assignment though!

Most often I have found that none of the controllers 'at rest' are truly at "Zero". There is always a tiny, residual +/- offset as the pots/sensors don't sit in the null point (dust, dirt, age). Not bad when you are flying, but when you switch to slew mode those minute inputs get picked up immediately.
I had a few problems in the past with my Saitek behaving the same way (esp. the part about not being able to delete the assignments.) On thing I had to do was make sure that I checked thru the assignments for ALL controllers to make sure that the slew commands were removed from all of them or FS would reassign them. Still took 2-3 tries to get it to 'take'.
Reset assignments, close FS, reboot, restart FS and check assignments before loading a flight.

Also, because of the 'residual input' issue, I always make sure I use the keyboard "center controls" command before I enter slew (which I hardly ever use anyway) -- Num Lock on/off(?) num keypad 5-- see? I can't remember if it's on or off :icon_eek:

Paul my experience with that has told me the only way to fix it is to rename the fs9.cfg file and let FS9 build a new one.

This problem bites me every time I add a new controller. What I have to do is rename the fs9.cfg to fs9.cfg.old then let FS9 generate a new one. Once I have the new one I copy the text from the beginning of the old one until I get to the controller settings. I do not copy the controller or keyboard settings just all the other settings.

Now I replace everything in the new cfg file with what I copied from the old file again do not over writing the controller or keyboard section.

Now is the hard part go back and delete all the unnecessary settings. Fs9 assigns button settings to all the controllers even the rudder pedals which do not have buttons. Watch out when you delete all the assigned buttons to any controller FS9 will assign two more buttons to that controller. For some reasons buttons 9 and 10 will be assigned.

What I do is delete all the buttons for a controller then move to the next controller. After I finish the last controller I go back and delete buttons 9 and 10 from each controller.

All good buttons deleted exit FS9 and write the config by shutting down FS.

Now load FS again and check to see if everything is still deleted. If they are it is time to assign the axis for the controls for both slew and normal functions. Once that is done shut FS and load it again.

I do it in steps so that if FS thought it was necessary not to write the work that I had done I don't have to do it all again.

The end result is it takes me a day to do all of my assignment.
Since I use multiple-controller setups with FS2K2 and FS9, my main frustration has been for a long time how to stop FS messing up my controller definitions.

Best way I can advise:
- Start with a clean fs9.cfg file
- Make all preferred assignments via the menu in FS9
- Exit FS9, and open the fs9.cfg file with Notepad.
- In each JOYSTICK_MAIN and JOYSTICK_SLEW section, add the line
- Which prevents FS9 to make automatic changes to your controller assignments.
(but with the inherent problem that you can no longer change controller assignments via the FS9 menu, untill you remove the LOCKED=1 line from the fs9.cfg file)
