Nigel placed this in His Aircraft skins uploads.
I learned how to make a AI using this tutorial By Nigel many years ago..
I hope it helps..
How to make an AI aircraft for CFS3 - or how to prevent your nationalities from becoming unmanageable!
In the folder of the aircraft you've chosen, make a copy of the .air file, the .xdp file and the .m3d file. It is not
necessary to copy the cockpit .m3ds, as these are not used.
Re-name the copied .air file from XXXX.air to XXXX_ai.air. Do the same for the two other files, so you have XXXX_ai.m3d
and XXXX._ai.xdp.
Open the new XXXX_ai.xdp file with notepad:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<General Allegience="0" LongName="XXXX" ShortName="XXXX" ModelName="XXXX.m3d" BlastDamageScale="1.0" ImpactDamageScale="1.0" FireDamageScale="1.0" Priority="1" Type="moving" EnteredService="4/01/1943" LeftService="12/1/1957" BlastDamageMod="1" ImpactDamageMod="1" FireDamageMod="1" Category="fighter_bomber" Country="canada" AllowSpawn="y" InfoURL="help\topics\infospit.htm" ChecklistURL="help\topics\infospit.htm"/>
Rename the name strings:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<General Allegience="0" LongName="XXXX ai" ShortName="XXXX ai" ModelName="XXXX_ai.m3d" BlastDamageScale="1.0" ImpactDamageScale="1.0" FireDamageScale="1.0" Priority="1" Type="moving" EnteredService="4/01/1943" LeftService="12/1/1957" BlastDamageMod="1" ImpactDamageMod="1" FireDamageMod="1" Category="fighter_bomber" Country="usa" AllowSpawn="y" InfoURL="help\topics\infospit.htm" ChecklistURL="help\topics\infospit.htm"/>
The model name must correspond to the new ai name. Then change the nationality to usa or germany, according to the side
you wish it to spawn on. These are the only two nationalities which spawn in the game, hence the interest. The flyable
version can be British, for example, so you can fly it in campaign mode, and the AI will spawn too. This also prevents
the limited space available for flyable aircraft from becoming too cluttered. Keep you favourites flyable for campaign
mode, and AI the rest!
Then open the aircraft.cfg file with notepad. What you will find looks like this:
title=Spitfire MkIXc
What follows these three lines may vary, but it is unimportant.
Copy these three lines to the next blank line in the text, and then make the following changes:
[fltsim.0] Change the number to 1
title=Spitfire MkIXc Ignore this line
sim=Spitfire_IXc Change this to Spitfire_IXc_ai (XXXX_ai)
model=Spitfire_IXc Change this to Spitfire_IXc_ai (XXXX_ai)
The result is:
title=Spitfire MkIXc
sim=Spitfire_IXc_ai (must correspond to the new name, XXXX_ai)
model=Spitfire_IXc_ai (must correspond to the new name, XXXX_ai)
Save and close.
Nearly done. Now you need to open the .air file. Don't panic, Mr Mainwaring! My favourite is AirEd by William Roth, which
you can find at Simviation, Flightsim and goodness knows where else. It has been around for a while, and does a good job.
Close to the top of the file, you will find line 105, aircraft type. This will equal 0, in other words, a CFS flyable
aircraft. Change it to 2, which means AI only. (Use the enter key to enter the info)
Save and close.
And that should be that. Hope it doesn't shoot you down! I accept no responsibility if you get yourself killed, etc...
Nigel 'ndicki' Dickinson