converting Alphasim oldies to scenery objects

ian elliot

Im a bit rusty on this, ive been playing with the oldies pack just released by Virtavia, with an idea of making a library for EZ and other programs, ive been playing around with ModelconverterX but getting nowhere, ive been succsesful in the past with converting api's into MDL's suitable for librarys,( for the WW2 German airfield scenery i uploaded last year ) but im not sure how to deal with old MDL's, i may not even be using the right program, anyone have any idea's.
cheers ian
Thanks Dave, but thats not an option, SAMM will only handel FS9 models, ive used it myself many times, the mdl's im playing with go back to FS2000 and even FS98 but would still look reasonable as scenery objects.
cheers ian
Hi Ian, me ol' Kentish mucker!

Just saw this and was wondering what you needed. The oldie pack does include some quite nice models, and would make good statics at AF's.

Let me know which ones you want. I've had some good successes with MCX. Here is the B45 in FSDS and .3ds file in Gmax. In FSDS I can smooth everything and obviously model the control surfaces back to where I want, and treat it as a normal FSDS file. In Gmax the modifier-smooth does not want to do it's stuff, I am absolutely no gmax expert so I may be missing something, but if you can still use FSDS then that's the way to go.

As you know you can tweak it AND export it as a bgl from there.


Hi Shessi, i was playing with MCX myself but getting knowhere, i just had this idea of making a static object library with most of the cold war aircraft, for myself and others to use in scenery,
i didnt know you could make the models into an FSDS project, if i could do that, exporting as an scenery object MDL would be childs play, its just figuring how to get it into FSDSv3 in the first place.
Ive just done a windows install and im busy building up FS9, im a little while of installing my utilities / scenery tools yet, which reminds me, ive lost the SDK's which i have to sort out, but any tips would be greatfully recived

PS the B45 and B47 and probably some of the Russian metal were on the top of my list
When you're ready to get stuck into MCX, let me know and we'll sort it out.

In the mean time the offer is there for me to convert the ones you want to FSDS files. If you PM me with the list from the Alpha oldies you want.

