Converting my FSX repaints to FS9


Charter Member
Since I am sick and tired of fighting with FSX, I have migrated back to FS9. So, I thought I would work on bringing some of my favorites into FS9 from FSX. I will upload these in case any one is interested.

Here are some shots of Alphasim's payware B-24J and First Class Simulations Hawker Tempest. I started the Tempest a long time ago, but never finished them.

The B-24 nose arts are hand painted by me, so don't expect a picasso, LOL!

I have done many paints for the B-24, some I may have already done in FS9, but they were done with the paint kit by Alphasim. These are done with a new paint kit made by me. Oh, bare metal is not my strong point, so this is the best I could do.:173go1: Lol!






First-rate work on all of them, and eagerly looking forward to anything you may put up for download. These look great!:salute:
I'm toying with the idea of acquiring FS-X. Are you willing to provide some insight into your comment about "fighting with FS-X"? :blind:

- H52
I'd be interested too..

BTW, bare metal isn't that hard, just play with the alpha until it's like you want it... hand painting nose art is something that would give me fits!
Good to know and the Tempest repaint is most welcome. :applause:
As for your 'bare metal' finish, right on the mark, unlike the number of OTT 'chrome' efforts around.

Having seen the quality of your repaints for some time now....let me assure you that you have NOTHING to be apologetic or ashamed about. Your painting skills are GOOD GOOD GOOD!

Thank you everyone!

hawkeye52, I could never keep my FSX working the same every time I fired it up. One day it would work fine, the next it would act like it had a heartbeat. The stutters were awful. FSX uses more GPU than CPU. If you have a real good graphics card, then I think you will enjoy FSX. FSX made aircraft look amazing with bump mapping and specular shine.
RobH - judging by those beautiful screenshots, Picasso would have gone into a tantrum and another 'blue' period.

Those are works of art Sir - welcome back to the fs Niner's! :wavey:
Thank you everyone!

hawkeye52, I could never keep my FSX working the same every time I fired it up. One day it would work fine, the next it would act like it had a heartbeat. The stutters were awful. FSX uses more GPU than CPU. If you have a real good graphics card, then I think you will enjoy FSX. FSX made aircraft look amazing with bump mapping and specular shine.

Thank you for replying, RobH. :salute:

- H52
Nice work... I'm one of those who have no issues with FSX, but I like repainting FS9 birds in metal skins. More interested in ex-military birds transformed to civil duty (Fire bombers, A-26, S-2, Harpoon, etc.). Also, cargo runs around Canada in a Howard! Kinda favor Miton's birds! ;)
hand painting nose art is something that would give me fits!

I can think of a couple of bits that would have been 'nice' to paint on the nose art ;)

Looking great Rob, really looking forward to them, 'specially the Tempest. It looks like the Hawker Heroes model, is that right? Hope so as it's sitting quite nicely in my 'to do' hanger (my garage, lol).

Thanks folks!

Yes Jamie, thats the Hawker Heroes Tempest.;) You may remember I tried to convert these a long time ago, but I forgot, lol.

hawkeye52, Here is the difference between FS9 and FSX. The self shadowing and bump mapping is amazing, but it takes a very good graphics card to run it. My computer is nothing special, I'm sure these pictures would look better with a better computer.;)

