Hello, I remember seing a post on some adjustments to be made to ships .xdp files in order to have all the proper guns fiering at aircrafts. Can't seem to find this post anymore.
Can anybody help?
Hello, I remember seing a post on some adjustments to be made to ships .xdp files in order to have all the proper guns fiering at aircrafts. Can't seem to find this post anymore.
Can anybody help?
Hi gosd, do you have a specific ship in mind? Usually its more making sure the gun xdps are right.
The stock american cruiser has a problem with the m3d, where only the front half of the modelled gunstations are working. The rear 8in turret and the rear AA guns do not work but nothing can be done about it.
In the Guns folder, all the gun xdps have a "type=" entry. All flak_gun types will engage aircraft. All the guns without a "targetcategory=" entry will also engage all types of enemy including enemy if I understand things correctly.
In the ship xdp, the pan and elevation of all gunstations can be changed but really they shouldn't need to be touched.
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