Corsica weather for 1.2


Charter Member 2011
Here are screen shots of some new weather for Corsica in the 1.2 update. The clouds will be low and heavy with scattered light rain over most of the island but starting to clear near the NW corner. France and Italy will be clear. You will be flying strike missions from Corsica hitting targets in Southern France in preparation for Operation Dragoon. This is one of several new weather files you will receive in the update for Italy.

Notice how the clouds lay down along the ridges and some ridgelines are partially obscured, we call those clouds "Cumulo Granite".

Look great Steve. Any chance of a pic from above them?

Here you go, 18,000 and last ones 21,000 ft. these are large thick cumulo Congestus clouds that have pretty high tops. There are no cumulo Nimbus in this file but if there were they would go all the way up to 45,000 to 60,000 ft. There are a couple of shots that show the ocean clear with clouds building inland. There are a few breaks in the clouds some large but most very small. Notice the rain stops when you climb up on top.

James the new weather is on the FTP along with others.

Steve did you ever figure out how to get the thick ground fog layer without that octagonal hole in the cloud that appears just below the airplane?
Steve did you ever figure out how to get the thick ground fog layer without that octagonal hole in the cloud that appears just below the airplane?

Hey Lewis,

The hole you are referring to in the fog is really not a hole but the angle of your view makes it disappear. The answer is to make the fog/cloud formation thicker and taller. You will notice that the clouds in this thread are near solid as you view down thru them.

The problem is if you make a fog that dense with 100% coverage you would end up with a FPS of about 4 to 6. The ew fog for Dragoon is a nice trade off and gets the job done nicely, we believe you will be pleased with it.

Best Regards,


Thanks for this new weather!:ernae:

One thing that I personally miss in cfs3 weather is the rain, lightning AND wind together. Generally, you'll have just one of them.
