Could someone explain FSX versus ETO and CFS3


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Looking at the graphics of the Whitley cockpit I have in ETO 1.5 then I see this quality of graphic in FSX for the Mosquito:- which is 20 times superior.

What is FSX and can I improve on what I have with it, is it a separate prog to ETO/CFS3 ?

The Stirling I am trying to run is for 2004FS but might it is said run with FSX and this video

says FSX, but the runways are modern so thats no good, so what do I need beyond ETO 1.5 for this FSX and how do I get this to be accurate wartime scenes ?

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...uuh, err...

Combat Flight Simulator 3 (CFS3) started WAAYY back in 2002... No relation to FS 10... (FSX)
and completely Incompatible!!
CFS2 and FS9 did some crisscross breeding... :semi-twins:
Yes, the Whitley model we have in CFS3 is beta quality at best. There are many other aircraft models that are really quite excellent, so if it's impacting your enjoyment too much perhaps you could try something else like the Wellington.
Yep, FSX is a totally different sim, and much newer than CFS3. The map is the modern day world and there is no combat. Like Andy says, CFS3 has some models that rival FSX payware like that Mosquito, and all the best CFS3 stuff is FREE! Some of the other top notch work for CFS3 include a Blenheim, Sunderland, Bf 109E and F, Hurricane, and Fulmar for starters. Those are just the first few that came to mind. There are many, many more!
So FSX cant have combat , its just a civvy sim of quality, a modern day airshow with warbirds that cannot interact.

I am wanting to fly, and have wanted a sim to do this for many years, the Whitley, Wellington, Stirling, Hampden, Halifax. Blenheim.

Having discovered there is a sim with Bomber Command mission options, ETO being it with the add ons , I am hoping to achieve this lifetime aim.

So I can ignore FSX, you say the quality it offers is achievable in CFS3 with ETO add ons.

That stirling I saw, I keep seeing it mentioned along with FSX, but it will fly will it in CSF3 ETO ? I hope so.

I need to be determined in this as much as our chaps were trying to get to their targets and back !

CFS ETO is to be the sim where simmers can operate Bomber Command aircraft.

So where do I get the Wellington and Blenheim, are they ready to select after having installed up as far as ETO 1.5 ?

is anyone working on the Whitley ?

Of the aircraft you list, most are of a lower quality in CFS3, but the Wellington and Blenheim are top notch. I believe they are both in ETO 1.5. There is a Hampden in the works somewhere, but I don't think it's available yet.

There's also quite an array of German night fighters to hunt them down with which are all really nice. As far as I know, CFS3 has more night war aircraft than any other sim.

Aircraft made for other games will not work in CFS3 unfortunately.
Many years ago Microsoft had two simulator lines: Flight Simulator and Combat Flight Simulator. CFS3 is the last of these combat Sims and FSX the last general flight sim: they are not compatible with each other.

FSX is modern airports, current airliners, air traffic control, eye candy etc. I have that Mossie you mention and she's a honey but there are no properly working weapons unless you also buy the TacPack add-on and aircraft models enabled for TacPack: this focuses on more modern weapons than Brownings, Cookie bombs and other WW2 ordnance. AMRAAMs, chain Gatlings and the like.

CFS3 has been a freeware supported sim mostly since it started. ETO is one of these freeware add-ons and rather good. You do get quite a variety of standards among the add-ons and if you prefer more eye candy you'll enjoy FSX more, but CFS3 is where you'll find the main efforts towards historical recreation.
CFS3,in all it's various expansions,( BoB ,Europe to Asia the Med and even Korea) has to be one of the best WW II air combat sim there is. Followed by Il-2 1946 (modded),in second place .
There's always cfs2 if you haven't tried that already. There is a lot of great Bomber Command types for that, Hampden, Whitley, Stirling, Lancaster and Halifax. Also, Just Flight's Dambusters add-on.