I have installed ETO using the new install guide, multicfs3 has reconized the program, and I have changed it to CFS3 ETO Expansion______. I have all icons, and ETO is in the default path. I am using vista and user control is off, I run the program as admin. I have not opened the game because when I go to put the swapper in mode 1 it says "the system cannot find the file specified". It is doing this for all eras. I know after many attempts now, that if I open the game without placing the swapper in the correct era I will corrupt my era files. How do I get the swapper to reconize the correct file? Under the swappers properties the target is "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\CFS3 ETO Expansion\spawns\ETOspawnselector.bat", and the one below (the start in)is "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\CFS3 ETO Expansion\spawns". I am very eager to get this up and running smooth so I can move onto getting the multiplayer working. Looking forward to flying with you all soon.
First of all, that is not the Era Swapper you're looking at, but the ETO Spawn Selector. This is only connected to the spawns folder. It has eight selections on the screen.
1. Stock Spawn Mode (for the Quick Combat section).
2. Random Spawn Disable (for missions).
3. Allied Side ETO Campaign (for ETO Campaigns in Eras 3, 4, & 5 only when playing Allied).
4. Axis Side ETO Campaign (for ETO Campaigns in Eras 3, 4, & 5 only, when playing Axis).
5. Allied Side Attack in the West Campaign (when playing Allied in Attack in the West Campaign in Era 1 only).
6. Axis Side Attack in the West Campaign (when playing Axis in Attack in the West Campaign in Era 1 only).
7. Allied Side Phoney War Campaign (when playing Allied in Phoney War Campaign in Era 1 only).
8. Axis Side Phoney War Campaign (when playing Axis in Phoney War Campaign in Era 1 only).
The Era Swapper is the ETO Start icon. Clicking on this brings up a screen with five selections on it. This is the only way you can start the sim.
Era 1. 1936 - Spring 1940 Spain and West '40
Era 2. Summer 1940 - Year End 1942 Battle of Britain
Era 3. Spring 1943 - Spring 1944 Yanks Over Germany
Era 4. Spring 1944 - Late 1944 Normandy to the Rhine
Era 5. Late 1944 - Summer 1945 Battle of the Bulge to V-E Day
Campaigns are selected in-game:
Attack in the West Campaign (Era 1 only)
Phoney War Campaign (Era 1 only)
1943 ETO Campaign (Era 3 only)
1944 ETO Campaign (Era 4 only)
1945 ETO Campaign (Era 5 only)
There are currently no Spanish Civil War or BoB Campaigns in ETO.
Note: You must keep track of the Era in which you are playing and saving a particular campaign.
Be very careful of attempting to open a campaign in an Era in which it was not built.
Example: Attempting to open a save campaign from Era 1 (say, Attack in the West) in Era 3. This will definitely cause problems.
Many items in ETO, airfields in particular, are Era-specific. These are written into the global_layers files. The Era Swapper (ETO Start) controls a batch file in the global_layer folder that switches the global layer and qclocations files. This is the key.
I hope this helps.:d