Counter Invader Campain for Restoration


G'day all

Since the recent efforts on Bushi's part to give the community a historically accurate paint for Milton Shupe and John Terrell's B-26K Counter Invader, I am bringing the topic for discussion to the FS9 Forums of a complete re-vamp of the 2D and VC for this plane. The project would be somewhat involved if not immersive as it may involve a lot more than just re-doing the cockpit/panel, so as to make the gauges in the VC much clearer and more read-able. Unfortunately, the original GMAX source files were lost All efforts to crisp-up the existing gauges have been tried at this point to no avail.
Unfortunately, these things are way over my skill level, but I could supply photos and help with beta testing. Just wondering if there are any other "K" drivers out there that might want to take this seasoned model under their wing... (so to speak) and bring the plane up to snuff with the latest FS9 specs. I know it's an older model for flight sim but has anyone seen one anywhere else? Despite her age she's still a very accurate representation of the B-26K... and in FS, a joy to fly.

Just say'n...
