Couple of things happened at Tolmachevo


Charter Member 2011
Firstly, the scenery has been updated from "2008" to "2011".
I'm not sure yet what that entails, but I see some of the textures have been made smaller for better performance.
It remains one of the best ever sceneries:


Second, I installed the AI traffic package for UNNT - also from avsimrus - and there is an embarrassment of AI to be found!
I'm not sure there really would be that amount of hardware at such an incredibly remote airport, but actually I am not complaining...

Charl, I am curious, did you do a complete un-install of the earlier version and replace it with the new one ... Mike :salute:
Mike: I removed the \Addon Scenery\UNNT-2008 folder and then installed the new stuff.
This also writes to the main texture folder (and others) - I let it overwrite.
Thanks for the reply Charl, I did the same as you and the new scenery is better with even more runways in use, am curious what AI traffic file you are using from , as there are several for Novosibirsk ... ? Mike :salute:
Brilliant seasonal textures, eh?

Traffic file is from Tolmachevo Traffic TEAM, 2004, pretty sure it came from avsimrus.
Blurb says:
"There are two parts – Military Aviation traffic and Siberia Airlines traffic.
Siberia Airlines timetible performed according UTC Time.
Total count of airplanes is near 150 and around 1200 flightplans are performed."
and I see there are Flankers and other military in there too.

Like you, I noticed they are taxiing off to the far rwy which is great.