CR-1 Rata details



Ermm.. looks like some one beat me to the punch...LOL! :wiggle:
oK... HERE IS AN OFFICIAL....up date.

Here is a showable Cr-1 RATA.

Time line to release is hopefully no more then a weeka nd a half. Between Baby diaper changes, burping sessions and grocery store errands I will hopefully get this sucker out to the Cr-1 hangar tarmack so you guys can get on with flying her.
I have to hunt down and squish a few small bugs, this is an old Rhino 3d model, I dont have the source anymore so everything has to be hex edited to be updated or fixed and its a major work out let me tell ya.
So now Im down to some lighting and other effects and more liveries and Im testing a new extraction utility and a few other small things. I know its freeware but Im Crashwoody, Im very fussy about things and they have to be as good as I can do, whether its payware or free ware its never good enough.

Hang in there with me guys I know you have waited a long time, Im going as fast as I can.
This project is freeware, as promised.:applause:
Enjoy the screenies.

After this post i will be too bussy getting this project done for you guys so Rob is going to show you guys all the goodies untill release day.
I just could help my

Ok now over to Rob.. Public relations guy.:wavey:

I better get outa here before my spokes man Rob comes in here and smacks me one over the head with that busted old Dr1 prop over there in the corner...:173go1:


If you guys are looking for Tom over the next few days...

well... he's chained to his:a1089: chair, had his internet connection monitored, been given a pile of diapers to sit on and if he sneaks:kilroy: in here I want you to tattle on him...

I know why he can't resist.. it's the result of being a proud poppa and wanting to yell from the rooftops about his new baby ( the virtual kind) but...:jump:

It IS sweet, and I'll add more over the coming days until it's time to pop it out.

Ther are a few more shots here: but since Tom started this one, I'll stick the next load in this thread.

Not only that but it looks like he's been stealing my screenies!!!
Awesome, so when is 'Release Day' then:kilroy:. Cause I can't wait.:jump::applause::jump::applause::jump:
Another peek

While I can't give a precise "Release Date" for the Rata I can tell you it's measured in 'days', not 'weeks'. The announcement will be here (and other sites because it's a large world) but Tom is finalizing a distribution agreement that will feature the Rata as FREEWARE and some future projects as "affordable payware".

In the meantime, just to keep the anticipation level up :icon_lol:, here are a few more sightings:
I truely, truely am not trying to pick nits. Rather, I am working on a Soviet design from the mid-1930s that was never built, and am trying figure out what it may have looked like.

To my question: I notice that the inside is painted the blue-green color found in later Soviet Jets. Didn't Soviet aircraft of the period have light grey interiors? That is how the Smithsonian has the interior of the Il-2 painted, with the same color panel background. I have also seen other references to a light grey color on the web.

If you have a reason for painting in blue-green (aquamarine?), then I need to consider it as well. Thanks in advance.

I truely, truely am not trying to pick nits. Rather, I am working on a Soviet design from the mid-1930s that was never built, and am trying figure out what it may have looked like.

To my question: I notice that the inside is painted the blue-green color found in later Soviet Jets. Didn't Soviet aircraft of the period have light grey interiors? That is how the Smithsonian has the interior of the Il-2 painted, with the same color panel background. I have also seen other references to a light grey color on the web.

If you have a reason for painting in blue-green (aquamarine?), then I need to consider it as well. Thanks in advance.


Maybe these pics and video can help you. The pics belong to NZFPM(New Zealand Fighter Pilots Museum)I-16 and the video it's from a spanish Rata.

in a serious vein, the Russian a/c industry was always in a state of frenzy or disarray. From what I've seen the colours were specified but often the materials were what could be obtained as required.. which meant (literally, in some cases) tractor paint and a foreman standing on a scaffold directing workers to paint "camouflage" without drawings and often with brushes and even rags. This expalins why some of the green/black looks like finger painting and others were equally uneven. While the first examples might be pristine, the production run quality left a lot to be desired.

As well, with repaints in the field being haphazard and colour descriptions based on verbal descriptions instead of Pantone charts there were probably many versions of "correct". In spite of the 'documentation' even in the west I'll bet you could find discrepancies in almost any mass-production combat aircraft. Throw in lighting, wear and surface imperfections and I would think that there is no ONE definition of "correct".

You could very well be right, but I have always kinda taken the middle of the road line on my addons, because frankly, they are 60 or 70 years old and to be honest with you, most of them are shot down and buried 10 feet under ground. With next to no "origional" & "Color" photo's of the origional I have to go on what I can find in readings, and talking to my ol friends who remember them. Sometimes you can find a picture here and there, but I most of the time have to go off of what the most common colorings were per military per time period for all aircraft of that particular air force as they only really ever used a few factories, except of course the American air force which has/had such a powerfull factory and distribution system it is not hard to get good and perfect source. but in the case of the rata, there are only a few heavily restored super shiny flyable versions and Its hard to get in close to see them as they are so rare now.

As a designer I try my best but I cant spend 3 years on one project to get every tiny detail in, If I was to do that then I may as well move to Russia and build the real thing from left over parts I can gather from the local farmers who stripped all of the good ones for parts for their farm machinery.

This pa rticular model was actually set up as a racer that i had seen pistures of. So I did a few things a little differantly because of that. in the racer for instance the seat is differant but in the others its a metal hard ass hemroid builden.. all metal frost biten hell. These were raced alot after the war and crashed hard as well. The racer I seen was essentially a stripped out trainer, so its pretty much origional.

Anyways its was fun to build and I leaned on alot of old timers to get idea's for what to do here and there. I modeled this one after a test plane/ I-16 made in the early 1930's which later became one of the only trainers, hence no lights, no brakes. But.. I had mercy on your poor souls and put in a set of heavily worn out brakes and a burned out vc light, you still wont stop well but at least some reminance of a brake pad is in their....:engel016:
But because of these liberations I refuse to add in air brakes/flaps as the 1st i-16's didnt have them, so get used to landing hoter then a burned tater.
We do the best we can as source permits/ and time too.

But thats why I include a paint kit in my addons so you guys can make your personal flyers as close to the real thing as your research will allow you.

That makes sense. Thanks for the response, I will be looking forward to flying it. Very nice cockpit textureing, BTW.

1998 Wanaka , The Red Stars Rising Show - five of them in formation , mock battle and airfield attack , the most unique part was the sound .... and boy the landings :jump: and more :jump: flown by the greats in the NZ and the famed Hanna's - , it was the first sortie since WWII .

I'm going to be very much looking forward to this one , put our RealNZ Wanaka scenery , get a few of the boys and away we go .
1998 Wanaka , The Red Stars Rising Show - five of them in formation , mock battle and airfield attack , the most unique part was the sound .... and boy the landings :jump: and more :jump: flown by the greats in the NZ and the famed Hanna's - , it was the first sortie since WWII .

I'm going to be very much looking forward to this one , put our RealNZ Wanaka scenery , get a few of the boys and away we go .

and having flown 20 hours or more in the model, you WILL :jump: and :jump:and :jump:
and :mixedsmi: :jump: and occasionally get :banghead:

but is sure is fun getting there! However, once you get used to it, it will land nicely and as long as you're gentle-but-quick it will even stay on the runway. Grass strips are probably a good idea at first.

No flaps, so plan your approaches,
Torque rolls on an overshoot can happen if you jam the throttle forward.
Get too slow at the top of a loop and it will flick over and...
For some real fun, find a valley, or run down a street at rooftop level!
rooftop levels my speciality, be good to fly it through a big city between the buildings, and down the streets, yeah Russian aircraft were painted with whatever was at hand Tank Paint, Barn paint, whatever was freely available at the time
and having flown 20 hours or more in the model, you WILL :jump: and :jump:and :jump:
Grass strips are probably a good idea
No flaps, so plan your approaches,

Exactly! were these experienced pilots put the chubby things down on , the grass , one thing mentioned was the speed they picked up in a dive , since the I16's were practally brand new they were restricted with a speed limit which they found very difficult , .... just nothing to slow them down :running::running::jump::jump::jump: