cr1 d17



for those of you who never had the old simtech d17 its posted now on my site
Its relabled to cr1 now and will self extract to your fs2004 directory.

Might be a good idea to get all of the Cr1 addons that are free ware then you are already set up for all the up dates when they are released, cause with the new extractor it will Add to the old one and rebuild it to a new one.

Hey Tom,

It's real good to see you at it again! I checked out the new I-16 model, bloody good stuff. Same with your new website, slick and very exciting!!

I'm really looking forward to more of your new work, and I'm really pleased to see you back on board. Your renewed presence brings some sense of forward movement, happy illumination, fun and continuity to a vitual world that seems to have been otherwise loosing people, momentum, and growing more cynical by the day.


Cheers, man!!
I came back to flight sim when my wife saw I was out of sorts one day, so she poped out her Cc and bought me every Captain sim, and Carenado, and the new dc3 and a pile of other cool addons, I dont even want to know what she spent...:jump::jump:

And on top of that a new computer to use it all on.:ernae:
When I saw the awesome work these guys were doing and all the cool stuff you can do now I made me think of the ol simtech days and the ol crew... all to my sadness are all out of flight sim now.

So I started Cr1 and took over all the old simtech stuff and started to rebuild and make them better starting with the Rata and now In on the D`17. Whats weird is old designers are just dropping by and just giveing me their addons...... I have been given 20 real top shelf addons from guys who are just burned out and dont want to be in flight sim any more.. it really saddened me, what most people see as a cash cow I see as the begining of the end of flight sim,... But I assure you I will always be here forever snd I will always try my best to keep the site as exciteing as I possibly can.. and best of all Im just Ol Tom, you can always come by and hang out and drink beers and talk old times...:guinness:

1st thing will be to revamp every older simtech plane to better standards and then get to work on some new projects I have been asked to do.

The new year will be a busy one, but Im back in the trenches and Im having the most support I have ever had, and the site is very encourageing and I have a good guy working with me on that.

I was told the other day that I will be the last man standing in this years from now.. I thought about that and said .. yep!:applause:

Thanks for the words, We will have a great time int eh years to come.

Tom Wood/Crashwoody