Crash to desk top when landing maam sim avenger


Hi Guys,

I had been happily honing my carrier landings using the FDGV2 Wildcat and after a few traps, changed a/c to the MAAM SIM Grumman Avenger. This is a very docile flyer and I conducted a few touch and goes without engaging the arrestor cables programme. I then engaged the cable programme, ensured it was talking to FS9 and conducted a trap.

On touch-down on the cables, the sound of the trap is heard, FS9 shuts down and the screen goes black.

FS9 then re-starts but in a previous flight.

Anyone had this interesting prob? It only occurs with the MAAM Avenger.

Prob solved

After inspecting the gauges in the TBM and TBFs' respective panels, I decided to delete all gauges concerning another carrier landing and launching system.
All solved. These do not to have interfered with arrcab v25, but did with the latest version of arrcab 26, plus fsuipc has also been upgraded.

Pardons for my cry for aid before doing my homework!
