Creating AI aircraft?


Charter Member
Hi all,

I was wondering if anyone here can tell me how to create AI aircraft?

I'm looking at adding the radio chatter mod to several of my aircraft for Battle of Britain training missions.

Specifically the w_40_Battle_N-ZX and various other aircraft?

Also, who is the author of the Battle, Blenheim Mk.1's and Mk.IV's?, and of course the radio chatter mod?



Not too hard you'll need the program called aired to open the air file

1) go to the plane folder you want to modify
2) find the xpd and air files, copy them and paste them into the folder.
3) rename them ai_w_40_Battle_N-ZX.air and ai_w_40_Battle_N-ZX.xdp
4) find the model folder, open it up and copy the
w_40_Battle_N-ZX.md3 file and paste it, and rename ai_w_40_Battle_N-ZX.md3
4) open the xdp named ai_ using notepad and you'll see this line
<General Allegience="0" LongName="xxxxxx" ShortName="ai_xxxxx" ModelName="ai_xxxxxx.M3D" BlastDamageScale="1.0" add the ai prefix as I have done and save the file
5) Open the air file using aired and for line 1 add the ai_ to the plane's name (just double click on the name)
6) line 105 change the 0 to 1, save
7) open the cfg and add the lines

title = ai_w_40_Battle_N-ZX
sim = ai_w_40_Battle_N-ZX
model = ai_w_40_Battle_N-ZX


You will not see this plane in quick combat but you will in mission builder.

this will work if the designer named the files as mentioned if not just use what is there and add the ai_ prefixes. Sounds like it is a lot but after a few hundred times you can do it in your sleep
Also, for chatter equipped aircraft you need 2 versions of each ai. One enemy the other friendly. This is because they each have separate effects assigned to them.