Creating Missions

Dave Cumming

Charter Member
I promised something on how to write missions. After 21 hours travelling I am in Sri lanka so am spending some time out of the sun trying to create something.

Here is the first part. I have put this in a txt file as my laptop makes it very fiddlely to do anything great. When I get home I will try to rewrite it with pictures.

This part covers the introduction and using waypoints.
View attachment _Creating CFS1 Missions 1.txtView attachment

Mission is inside the ZIP
Hello Dave,
Although it is a bit premature, When all is completed and cleaned up, I would like to post your tutorial in the CFS1 tutorial section of the Free Flight Site.

Let me know Sir,

That's no problem, but better wait until I am finished. I have found some mistakes to my work already.

But here is my stuff on Runways, along with how to add ground objects. This time I've put it in a Word Doc and zipped the missions as well.

View attachment Missions Tutorial Pt

Next might be writing a fighter sweep mission from the Wasp. I have some ideas and trying them out like this is a great learning exercise for me!