Credit to PARKY, for contributions to OFF


Charter Member
as a non-OFF Team member:

For your valued input in the tech side of things, a Mission has been credited to you, GB Productions 7, Coastal Patrol, with Commander Parky as Squadron Leader.


If anyone deserves praise for going "above and beyond" for the members of this forum it is Parky for sure. Salute James :applause:

S! Rip

LIPA loves you!!

LIPA - Long Island Power Authority....

I love the new PC!!! :)

Reg Parky

I just come here for Parkys humor..Lol..Kiddin..But its a bonus amongst the 1000's of other reasons..
Hey, Parky
I'm a PC idiot rather; it's like with cars: I want it to get me from A to B; without me having to know, how the carbourettor functions. So I'm always greatful, when I find good advice. I got quite some good information and better insight into computer hardware functions from you (mainly from that thread, were you shot the "strange single core theory", and others, to pieces, bit by bit - lol!) - thanks a lot.

And if you read so far, I can ask you a question, I always wanted to ask:
did you give that little squirrel in your avatar a Marine training, to keep possible terrorist out your back garden (it's dressed like full metal jacket - lol!)
No - what I'd like to know, is: did you really dress a tame one up with mini clothes, or is it a clever Photoshop job?
Actually, I just stumbled on it (the avatar....not the squirrel) whilst perusing the web one evening. Thought it was cute (unlike me) and decided if I was to use it, it may compensate for my having been short-changed in the cute department ;)

I don't think I'm deserving of the kind of recognition I see here, but the gesture and and comments in general are very much appreciated.

Cheers Guys........and thanks kindly.

yeah well said british_eh - :ernae: cheers for your unselfish help and time you give to others Parky