Cruising Cape Cod, hop to Nantucket


Hey guys,

Nice day off.. Took up the 172SP and flew down to Nantucket from Cape Code (Providence airport on the tip of the Cape).

Nice flight. Clouds the way I like them. A bit bumpy on the wind. Flew calmly at about 2,000 Feet Alt.

With all the wind buffetting, I broke down and woke up Auto and had him hold the course and Alt while I looked around, enjoyed the scenery, and shot pics with my virtual iPhone.


Put down nicely. I like how the flaps effects are on this particular plane. She handles gently on touchdowns with full flaps. Floats right down for a smooth touch down. Great feeling after a long flight.

I really need to add some buildings to the airport scenery here... arrghh..

Nice shots! The 172 is quite nice, looks good and flys well.

I downloaded a scenery from for southern New England that included several airports and the Cape Cod Canal bridge. Works well.

Hey Jim,

Did you get that scenery at the XP9 website?

You know... I just realised, AVSIM have XP9 downloads.. I might paruse their library...

Hey Jim,

Many thanks Sir for the link and the heads up.

Well, people will follow when you are 'leading edge' man!

