CS C-130 2D Cockpit


Charter Member
I have a question re: a glitch I'm experiencing with the CS C-130's 2D cockpit. I'd like a pro's opinion on the fix if anyone's game.

The left side panel and center console show up fine in the left side 2D panel view. The center (engine instrument) panel also shows up fine in the co-pilot's 2D view. The problem arises in that the co-pilot's instrument panel is missing, resulting in a not too realistic but visually stunning clear-view panel before his seat.

The VC view is completely normal in all respects. In addition, panning the cockpit view in the 2D cockpit results in normal views of the interior of the aircraft. Our co-pilot is still scanning his written data without any apparent ill effects from the missing instrument panel.

I know I can uninstall/reinstall the basic C-130 package, then replace the config file and all textures. Before I have to go that route, I'd prefer an easier fix - or an attempt at one - if it's available.

I have noted the co-pilot's instrument panel .bmp is still in all the panel folders. I've scanned the panel.cfg file but can't find anything out of sorts there, either. Ideas, anyone?
Correct me if I'm wrong, but there are several panel options, do you not have to set this up via the ace utlity?


I'm sorry, gentlemen - my bad - should have included this with the original description of the problem, but -

Yes, I have tried this with the ACE utility (opening with co-pilot's view in 2D cockpit), which doesn't seem to make any difference.
OK, here's what I tried.

In the ACE util I set up:



Save and fly now.

Here's what happened. I entered the flight looking at blue sky - nothing else, the sound of 4 T-Ps burning. NOTE: I could not change the view using my assigned HOTAS buttons or the keyboard. I went into VIEW menu and clicked on VIEW OPTIONS and saw that I was in COCKPIT VIEW in "LOOK BACK" position. I changed the view via the view menu to LOOK FORWARD and the view changed to a perfectly clear view of the runway, no windscreen, instruments, or anything. Next, from the 2D cockpit clickable menu (I forget what it's called) located lower left and clicked "R" (top row right). Abracadabra. I'm in the Co-Pilot's seat with all his buttons and dials before me! Curious though, I still had access to the left seat (fully equipped) by clicking the "L", but no access to the VC.

Don't know if this sounds anythng close to what you see when you enter the game, or if you've tried these functions already, but it it seems very concistent in mine. I tried it 3 times and all three times this is what happen.

The C-130 cockpit should appear as you assign it in the ACE. I went into the ACE for my copy of the base C-130 and made the assignments, and from there, Save and Fly Now. When I found myself sitting in the cockpit of the C-130, everything was in place and displaying as assigned. So I am a bit perplexed that you chaps are seeing these issues.

The only issue I have with any of the C-130 variants is that in the AC-130, I get a 2D with the usual cockpit views, but when switching to the VC, I get a view of the gun bay. This happens on BOTH of my pooters'... and happened on the last machine I used for FS...so I figured it was a given.

Hey BB686, I only noticed my "thing" while trying to help SSI01! I only use 2D pits to occasionally access some instruments. I fly from the VC. So, until yesterday, I had never attempted to enter a flight in the 2D pit. And even then, after the little dance described above, I was back in business. Don't have a clue as to why mine starts up in the "Look Back" position but it's NBD since I don't use 2D anyway.

Just hope SSI01 get his issue taken care of.

Yeah... Initially I bought the base model C-130 and did the add-ons here and there. The whole package was a bit glitchy as to what I ended up with panel views using the ACE. When I bought my Jetline Systems machine, I purchased the C-130 Pro Pack... a lot of the issues I had cleared up. Not sure if it was the older machine, the new one... or my install of the Pro Pack but I haven't seen any issues with any of the C-130 variants. Now that I've said it... My C-130 install will probably 'flip'. LOL

Gentlemen - I think I may have discovered the culprit.

Yesterday this got to the point where the ACE utility wouldn't work. At that point, I figured we're looking at a complete uninstall/reinstall. I uninstalled using the C-130 "uninstall" feature last night, then did a Malwarebyte scan just to be sure. This found four pieces of malware, all having to do with popups, on my machine which I have eliminated.

I have Avast on my machine. This morning, during the reinstall of the basic C-130 package, I noted the Avast picked up and displayed "cs.c130.right.gau" as a virus-infected file, and isolated it in its storage box. The rest of the installation worked perfectly. After doing a little investigating, I've figured Avast is showing this file as a false positive, in that nothing has happened to my machine as a result of the initial C-130 installation, which functioned perfectly. This problem picked up following a subsequent uninstall-reinstall related to another problem I had.

I've got to figure out a way to have Avast ignore this file, which should allow the installation to work fine after that. Hopefully, this is the problem.
Sounds like you've identified the problem. I have run into that as well, my A-V capturing a vaild file and ID'ing it as a bandit! You should be able to exempt the file from inspection within your A-V settings.
Gentlemen - I think I may have discovered the culprit.

Yesterday this got to the point where the ACE utility wouldn't work. At that point, I figured we're looking at a complete uninstall/reinstall. I uninstalled using the C-130 "uninstall" feature last night, then did a Malwarebyte scan just to be sure. This found four pieces of malware, all having to do with popups, on my machine which I have eliminated.

I have Avast on my machine. This morning, during the reinstall of the basic C-130 package, I noted the Avast picked up and displayed "cs.c130.right.gau" as a virus-infected file, and isolated it in its storage box. The rest of the installation worked perfectly. After doing a little investigating, I've figured Avast is showing this file as a false positive, in that nothing has happened to my machine as a result of the initial C-130 installation, which functioned perfectly. This problem picked up following a subsequent uninstall-reinstall related to another problem I had.

I've got to figure out a way to have Avast ignore this file, which should allow the installation to work fine after that. Hopefully, this is the problem.

Pop the installer in a separate folder somewhere on your desktop, then use avast settings menu to exclude that folder from scan and you should be good to go.


I did just as instructed, the same situation still exists. This is a new installer, obtained yesterday from CS's website.

If I reinstall, would it make a difference if I also set up the Avast "ignore" settings to the sim's "gauges" file as well?

My next thought is to go to the "aircraft.cfg" or "panel.cfg" files and see if there is something wrong.

EDIT: I opened the main "panel.cfg" and went digging. Here's how it's set up:
[Window Titles]
Window00=Main Panel
Window01=Icon Panel
Window02=Flight Officer Panel
Window03=Radio Panel
Window04=Autopilot Panel
Window05=Throttle Panel
Window06=Flaps Panel
Window07=Engine Aux Panel
Window08=Gps Panel
Window09=Radar Panel
Window10=Wheel Panel Left
Window11=Wheel Panel Right
Window12=SSR Panel
Window13=Engine Start
Window15=Awacs Control Panel

I started with the "shift+" routine. Windows 00 and 01 work fine. Window 02 comes up as the radio panel. Window 03 is the autopilot panel, and so on. The order in which the windows are assigned has somehow been screwed up.
I did just as instructed, the same situation still exists. This is a new installer, obtained yesterday from CS's website.

If I reinstall, would it make a difference if I also set up the Avast "ignore" settings to the sim's "gauges" file as well?

If it helps, I have Avast set-up to ignore my complete fs9 folder and the external add-on scenery folder I have too.


That makes sense, I've already instructed it to ignore the entire FS9 aircraft folder plus the specific desktop folder the install/uninstall packages are in.

One of the things that has been happening with the latest install is the traffic warning system warning "Traffic, traffic" whenever the landing lights extension and on/off switches are activated. This has happened before to me and it went away after a reinstall, which I am getting ready to do again after having just uninstalled the basic package.
MM - I want to report success! I double-checked my Avast settings and discovered that while I had identified the file path I wanted protected against scan, I had not "saved" it. Once that was done, I set up the entire "aircraft" folder in FS9 as a protected item, as well as the folder on the desktop where the reinstall files are for the finished C-130 file. The finishing touch was to completely shut down Avast while doing the C-130 install, plus all the add-ons. The first time I ran the aircraft in FS9 by going through the ACE utility, I had missing engine instruments, plus a few knobs and buttons on the console. I had seen this before with CS products, it's like they don't "take" completely the first time you run them. After shutting down FS9 normally and going back in via ACE utility, there are now no problems at all with anything.

The key is to protect the installation path from AV scanning, plus shutting down the scan completely during installation. In the event of any future problems with this or any other aircraft, that will be my first procedure in troubleshooting.

Thanks for the tip!:salute::salute::salute: