CS C130 Extra Pack issues


Charter Member
G'day all

I lashed out the other day and bought the Captain Sim C130 Extra pack (good value, I thought), mainly for the stretched -30 variants. However after installing it I discovered that the Aircraft Config Editor doesn't support the stretched and ski variants. Has anyone else encountered this problem, or does anyone know how to manually configure the cockpit, fuel & payload of these models? I tried via the fuel & payload menu in FS9, however this resulted in a CTD.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


I don't own the Extra Pack, so I'm afraid I can't offer up any personal experiences.

I was considering purchasing it for the LC-130 & L-100 models...but then I stumbled across a few posts on the CS forums about the very same ACE issues you mentioned. It looks like a few users independantly came up with a fix...but nothing official from CS. Good luck!

Thanks guys.

Stormtrooper, I haven't modifed the cfg yet, but I have deduced that panel.g is the EICAS version, panel.v is the no-2d views version, and I'm assuming panel.vg is both of these. I tried again to modify fuel and payload via the MSFS menu and this time it worked (previous CTD may have been a coincidence).
Another issue that has been mentioned on CS forums is that the torque gauges do not work on the extra pack variants. This, combined with a Flight Director which does not act as a FD (it just seems to duplicate the CDI), seriously detracts from what is otherwise an excellent add-on. Judging by the feedback from CS we'll never see these issues resolved, we just have to get the C130 X-perience - only problem being I don't have FSX!! :banghead: :censored: :violent: .

Anyway, rant over :a1451: