CTD with some of Mike Hudson's ships

ian elliot

I remember this being an issue when Mike first released his escort ship pack, the Tiger and County class objects espically, did anyone ever figure out a fix for these. got something on the go and i'd really like to use them.
cheers ian
Umm, I think thats' a no.

I've had some success using rwy 12 prog, but had to leave out Lion class; as the bgl wouldn't compile properly.
Something about invalid string, he's since released some individual class libraries, I've been plonking a few around the world as part of Ark Royal flotilla. If I could figure how to add wake effects that would help :) lol !!
I'm looking for a Fearless/Intrepid now, and a Fleet oiler.



looking for Fearless, maybe this will work, its a bit basic and the helidecks not landerble and i lost the FSDS file, so i cant develope it, for EZ, but should work for Rwy12. let me know if it works.
cheers ian

shame about the Countys and Blake
Ian, I believe Mike Hudson posts in the FSX forum sometimes, he may have an answer to the problem.

And have you tried running Fearless through MCX, that might give you some options re. FSDS.
Ian, Sorry to hear you and others are having trouble. When I first converted the Leander's, Tiger's and County's to FS9 I certainly had problems with the County class. I do not remember getting a CTD, but I could not get them placed using either Instant Scenery or EZ Scenery. The solution was to reduce the number of polygons in the Sea Slug missiles. I originally had these as 32 facet tubes, and reduced this considerably, together with some of the surrounding ironmongery. I can only guess that FS9 did not like that number of polygons in a small volume. I am afraid that I have no answer as I can place all three classes successfully in FS9 using Instant Scenery. If someone can identify something in the model that is causing your CDT I am more than willing to try and rectify it.
For your information I create the models using FSDS 3.5.1. I then load them into FSDS 3, remove the attach points for the nav lights, steam and wake, and change the radar animations to Tick18. Then compile the mdl using the FS2004 SDK if there is no flight deck. For those with a flight deck I output an x file from FSDS, add the necessary lines for a "PLATFORM_CONCRETE_0", and use "makemdl.exe" (FS2004 SDK) to create the mdl. The bgl is created using the library maker from Instant Scenery via the FS2004 SDK.
No problem Mike, thanks for the explanation and thanks for what you've given us to play with :icon29:

Portsmouth looks great with your ships, the tanker and frighter are from the Calclassic classic ship collection, not correct but they look the part,
cheers ian

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