Curved Monitors/Track IR


My son recently got a 28" curved monitor and my first thought was "CFS would be awesome on this" . anyone using one with Track IR? I would imagine the immersion level would be ramped up a bit. Would the sims resolution rates even allow using one?
I used to have a triple monitor set-up (3870x1024) with TrackIR, and that was a quantum leap change in situational awareness. It definitely cut way down on the "where did he come from?" dying unexpectedly.

About 5 years ago I "upgraded" to a 34" 100Mhz Gsync curved monitor @ 3440 x 1440 with TrackIR, and find it to be only slightly better than the triple head set-up was in that there are no intermediate bezels cutting into the view any more and the Gsync eliminated the screen tearing triggered by rapid TrackIR movements.

The curve is flatter than what I could do with the triple monitor positioning but it still provides some feeling of wrap around perspective. (The newer curved monitors have tighter radii and higher frequencies now.)

3440 provides plenty of peripheral vision, and the TrackIR lets you quickly check six to cover the blind spot beyond that.

I have the FOV set at 30 with AnKor's Shaders and the scale is set to 0.4 in ViewUI.xml.

To maintain realism, this combination should be tuned for different monitor sizes and resolutions to provide roughly equivalent view magnification (target size in pixels) when jumping from inside to outside views.