Doing a little touch-up on some files before this thing goes to have its OS changed on Monday.
I've loaded a CalClassics CV-580 along with its panel for flight in FSSW60. When loading the aircraft I get a dialog box saying a gauge - CV580_RLC_VSI.gau - will not be loaded by the sim although the rest of the aircraft and panel is loaded fine. Once the panel is displayed the VSI is present but there is no needle in the gauge. In checking the main Gauge folder for FSSW60 I find the VSI gauge is not in that folder. I checked FS9 and found the gauge IS located there, so copied and moved it over to the Gauge folder in FSSW60. After starting the aircraft up again, I find FSSW60 rejects the installation of the VSI gauge from FS9. I also note the descriptive lettering for the .gau file in FS9 is in black, that for FSSW60 is in blue. Is there a reason for the incompatibility of the .gau file between the two sims?
I've loaded a CalClassics CV-580 along with its panel for flight in FSSW60. When loading the aircraft I get a dialog box saying a gauge - CV580_RLC_VSI.gau - will not be loaded by the sim although the rest of the aircraft and panel is loaded fine. Once the panel is displayed the VSI is present but there is no needle in the gauge. In checking the main Gauge folder for FSSW60 I find the VSI gauge is not in that folder. I checked FS9 and found the gauge IS located there, so copied and moved it over to the Gauge folder in FSSW60. After starting the aircraft up again, I find FSSW60 rejects the installation of the VSI gauge from FS9. I also note the descriptive lettering for the .gau file in FS9 is in black, that for FSSW60 is in blue. Is there a reason for the incompatibility of the .gau file between the two sims?