CV-63 invades GW3


I can't believe it's taken me years to notice this, but there's an angled-deck supercarrier in Golden Wings 3.

GW3 supposedly removed the stock FS9 supercarrier CV-63 USS Kitty Hawk from San Fransisco Bay. What really happened is that somehow the ship just moved through the Golden Gate and a little bit south, where it sits near the shore like an artifact from "The Final Countdown."

I just uploaded a little bgl file will remove that little anachronism from your Golden Wings 3
That's the same place that it's located in a stock FS9 install. I use the Kitty Hawk (CV-63) for warm ups if I haven't done a carrier landing in a while. Kind of hard to miss that big deck. A few landings on her, then I move over to the Lexington (CV-2) a bit to the northwest. When I really get tuned up, then it's off to the Langley (CV-1) in Frisco Bay.
Thanks Mick for sending this carrier back to the modern world. Just happen to have a copy of The Final Countdown on my desk. Interesting movie.
I thought it was inside the bay in stock FS9. I was wondering if GW3 changed the coastline or something to have it end up outside the bay.

I dropped a copy of the exclude bgl into my FS1954 as well, without bothering to boot up and check to see if it was really necessary. CV-63 is anachronistic for the mid-fifties, too. Anyway, I have a whole fleet of much better models of angled-deck carriers in FS54. They're anachronistic too, of course, but until someone gives us a straight deck Midway or Essex, they'll have to do. If I get a yen to fly jets off carriers, there's not a lot else to choose from. All the older straight deck carriers are anachronistic for the early fifties too, in the other direction.

Wasn't someone working on a straight deck Essex for FS9? What ever happened to that - did it turn into an FSX project or something?

I had to move my CV-1 from inside the bay to outside the Golden Gate, a bit south of CV-2. I found that for some reason, ship wake effects don't display properly inside SF Bay in my system. I don't understand it, and I don't recall that being the case when I first placed all those Langleys.

Yes, "The Final Countdown" was a fun flick! I recall seeing it in a drive-in when it was first released. I have it on videotape, but it's probably hopelessly deteriorated by now just from age. At some point I'll pick it up on DVD.
Hi Mick, I also have a strange problem with the CV1 in San Fran. Bay, my aircraft sit about 5 to 10 feet above the deck. All the other CV1 carriers are ok. I believe Michael Davies was working on a WW2 Essex carrier for FS9.
Hi Mick, I also have a strange problem with the CV1 in San Fran. Bay, my aircraft sit about 5 to 10 feet above the deck. All the other CV1 carriers are ok. I believe Michael Davies was working on a WW2 Essex carrier for FS9.

Somethin' ain't right inside that bay...

Would you like a copy relocated outside the bay? Send me a PM with your e-addy. (Anyone else can, too.)
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