Just wondering if anyone knows where I can download the additional textures for the “Classic Warbirds Design Team’s” F-100C - Super Sabre. Recently I downloaded the file “f100c_fs9_Install.zip” from the “SOH-Combat Flight Center” ( http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/local_links.php?catid=67&linkid=73 ) but the additional texture files “textures_french.zip”, “textures_US_1.zip” and “texturesUS_2.zip were not included. Any help most welcome.
Just wondering if anyone knows where I can download the additional textures for the “Classic Warbirds Design Team’s” F-100C - Super Sabre. Recently I downloaded the file “f100c_fs9_Install.zip” from the “SOH-Combat Flight Center” ( http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/local_links.php?catid=67&linkid=73 ) but the additional texture files “textures_french.zip”, “textures_US_1.zip” and “texturesUS_2.zip were not included. Any help most welcome.