Cycling throttle when on autothrottle


Have been flying the KC-135R by the Historic Jets Group. Like a few other jet a/c I fly on the sim, it cycles the throttle up and down at regular cyclic intervals. Other jet models just have an appropriate throttle rate for the speed selected.

Anyone have an idea why this cycling occurs and how, if possible to, tweak it out?

Yes, I could ask HJG first, but thought my buddies at my 'home' site might know.

My first thought is to compare the engine, turbine, and autopilot section settings in the cfg file to the default Boeings to see if anything looks improper.

There are some limits stated that may be borderline for achieving and maintaining a set speed based on engine and AP limits.
I'd start with the max_throttle_rate= line in the [autopilot] section. The default Boeing trio all have that line set to 0.10, which translates to 10% per second, or ten seconds to travel from idle to full throttle. Decreasing that number will slow the rate of change, giving the Sim time to react to the level of thrust. Start with a setting of 0.05 and see how you like it.
Milton and Tom,

Thank you for your responses. Yes the prob was in the aircraft cfg and yes the 'Max Throttle Rate setting was way out. The recommendation of 0.05 works fine. No large scale cycling of the throttle now.

Thanks again

Milton and Tom,

Thank you for your responses. Yes the prob was in the aircraft cfg and yes the 'Max Throttle Rate setting was way out. The recommendation of 0.05 works fine. No large scale cycling of the throttle now.

Thanks again


Ahhh, great to hear Mal. Have fun :)