D-Day Spitfires


Charter Member 2016
One of those who always compain about the accuracy of my work fas been complaining that I haven't done any D-Day skins, or not enough of them - and he's right.

So coming soon are at least these two - and believe it or not, decent photos or profiles are not as easy to find as you might think...
Whilst you seem in a prolific mood, are there any profiles for the ETO P-36 that've caught yer eyeball? :blind: :)icon_lol:)
Why yes, that's the very fellow, thank you very much... and I'd like to remind the kids at home that an improved flight model is available... (those wot know wot I mean... will know wot I mean...) (cryptic, isn't he?) :p:
Great, these have indeed been sorely missed! Off to make more standalone Spitfires - because 20 of them just doesn't cut it! :jump:

I wonder who that complainer is... then again I may have a clue. :gossip:
I think you just might!

I've moved on and taken pity on the hitherto ignored Free French - the real ones, not the hopeless bunch of ex-collaborator turncoats who try to apply the term to themselves...

This belongs to Denys Boudard of 340 Ile de France Sqn, who flew himself to England with Jean Hebert, by stealing a Bu Jungmann from Carpiquet airfield, near Caen. He subsequently flew the first Allied aircraft - this one - into the newly liberated airfield on 14th August 1944.
Good stuff - cheers, Flash!

I can't download the first one on the left - don't know why!
damned, I'll never find this SN... don't remember having seen any picture or profile of Jacques's aircraft. Nevermind, I'll try.