D18s Radio stack


Charter Member
I'm not sure why I haven't noticed this till now, but the dial for the NAV 2 radio doesn't change as it does for NAV 1. The tooltip shows the frequency changing for both tens and tenths, but the dial does nothing.
Anyone else seen this?

I'm not sure why I haven't noticed this till now, but the dial for the NAV 2 radio doesn't change as it does for NAV 1. The tooltip shows the frequency changing for both tens and tenths, but the dial does nothing.
Anyone else seen this?


Kelly, would you post a screen shot of the radio in question and I'll take a look at it.

Also post your Radios section of the aircraft.cfg; that may be the culprit.

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Well, the radio set that Scott Thomas came up with for the Beech 18 doesn't have a Nav 2. What it does have instead is a standby channel for Nav 1. There's a button on it to switch them back and forth. Otherwise, it works the same as the default DC-3 radio set. It's one of my preferred radio setups in FS and has found it's way into a lot of aircraft. I'm kind of fond of the setup in the Spartan as well.

Just noticed that one of the frequency adjusters on it says Nav 2. But if you look at the tool tip, it doesn't show it as Nav 2, but as a standby for Nav 1.


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Milton: Willy's post shows the radio panel in question, so I won't use up server space with another...
Here is the radio section from my aircraft.cfg

[Radios] // available, standby frequency, has glide slope
Audio.1 = 1
Com.1 = 1, 0
Com.2 = 1, 0
Nav.1 = 1, 0, 1
Nav.2 = 1, 0, 0
Adf.1 = 1
Adf.2 = 1
Transponder.1 = 1
Marker.1 = 1

The question is why don't the freq numbers change for the "NAV 2" (standby) dial?

A moment of some clarity: When changing frequencies on either dial, only NAV 1 numbers change. If I set a VOR freq and then click the swap button, NAV 2's dial shows that setting. I can then set NAV 1 to the ILS, and then use the swap button to change them back and forth. If that's how it's supposed to work, I think I may have got it.

If not, so much for clarity:p87:
I bet if you watch the Nav 1, when you change the "Nav 2", Nav 1 will change. It does that as it's that standby freq thing. I set the freq using "Nav 2", then hit the standby swap button.
I bet if you watch the Nav 1, when you change the "Nav 2", Nav 1 will change. It does that as it's that standby freq thing. I set the freq using "Nav 2", then hit the standby swap button.

Willy: You beat me to it.
