Daisuke Yamamoto's C-119


Retired SOH Admin
Has anyone done a flight dynamics set for Daisuke Yamamoto's C-119 with the jet engine on the top of the fuselage? I know that mixed power types can not be modeled in FS2004, but even if the jet engine were set up as a radial to give the plane more power and speed, it would be nice to have that extra performance when using the jet assisted models.

OBIO, is that the one that uses a modified "beech_baron_58.air" file?

If so, I may have something for you.

OBIO, is that the one that uses a modified "beech_baron_58.air" file?


That's the Radial version ( no jet engine ).

I've been hoping some talented person could improve on the flight dynamics for Daisuke Yamamoto's radial powered C-119.

Don't know what the origin of the air file is. But it is for 2 engines..which is fine for the prop only versions (3 and 4 blade props), but leaves the jet pack out of the equation when using the jet pack equipped model. The modeling on the plane is really good, the 2D panel is higher than I would like, but since I fly from VC view 90% of the time it ain't no big deal. The VC in these models is really nice....not as nice as the one in Milton's Grizzly...but still a very well done cockpit.

I am working on a repaint template for the plane and will be slinging some paints...a few historical ones, some fictional ones. Will also be doing a repaint template for his C82...and since several of the files are shared, that shouldn't take all that long.

I will shoot you my e-mail addy so you can shoot me the flight dynamics you have. Do appreciate it a bunch.

OK, if the radial version uses a modified beech airfile, several years ago I modified a cfg and air with a 3rd engine, and hacked together a matching sound set with 2 piston engines, and 1 jet.

If anyone would like it, PM me with your email info (I'd attach, but the site doesn't seem to be too cooperative at the moment)

Standard disclaimer, some assembly required, 1 other freeware download also required (for jet .WAV files), your mileage may vary.

This install requires you to seperate the radial only models from the jet assisted models, so that only the jet models have the 3rd engine.

C-119 w/jet engine

I saw one these C-119s with the jet engine on top of the fuselage. It can be seen from Interstate 80 at the airport in Battle Mountain, Nevada.
I haven't tried them yet...but I found Mike Stone's C-119 and am going to give the flight dynamics from that plane in Yamamoto's C-119. I know that Mike's planes have always been good fliers...so using his FDE should have Yamamoto's Boxcar flying real nice. Will let you folks know how it works out.

I am putting together a new panel set for Yamamoto's Boxcar. I am using the freeware AlphaSim panel background for their AC-119. Much better forward visibility in 2D view. Will share it with the community once I have it done and the server is all squared away and back to 100%.

No jet engine as you are working on, but I always thought the C-119 pkg put out by Heather Sherman flew very nice. It's the Daisuke Yamamoto model with a tweaked config by Brian Gladden and Herb Morse.

not to mention the C-82 Packet (Project Phoenix) and the C119 "Flight of the Phoenix".
c82phx.zip and phx2k4.zip respectively.

might give you a nice starting place in the cfg.
The reason Daisuke's Boxcar flies so bad is that when he designed the model (This was one of his first if not the first) is that the center point of reference for the model and the true COG do not line up. The model's cog should be about the center point of the wing or a bit forward.

Daisuke's is set just behind the pilots seat. FS doesn't like this and therefore creating flyable flight dynamics is very hard.

Herb and I threw files back and forth for weeks getting it to fly halfway decent. It's not perfect by a long shot but better than nothing.

If we could get Daisuke to re release the model with the COG adjusted, it would be a spectacular airplane.

Thanks for the tip dognut...just downloaded the package from AVSim.com and will check it out.


I have dropped in the flight dynamics that you and Herb did for the C-119 and what a huge improvement! The plane is much more flyable and much more enjoyable to fly.

I have taken your flight dynamics and modded them for the jet pack..and got a stable flight with a top speed of 300 knots...which is roughly 50 knots faster than the top speed of the Boxcar without the jet pack. I think this is a far top speed given that the J34 gave the C-119 Jet Pack an additional 3,400 pounds of thrust. If you would like to check them out, PM me your e-mail address and I will shoot them to you. If they meet with your approval I would like to upload them for the community to enjoy.

If you search the SimOuthouse FS2004 addon files for author's name," Farmboy", you'll find a selection of airfiles for a variety of models. Farmboy is J.McDaniels, late of Alphasim and Wings of Power.

He has files listed for Daisuke's C-82 Packet. I'll bet this file would make a great basis for an enhanced C-119 flight model, certainly getting you right into the park, even arguably into the dugout.

Thanks for the hu on Farmboy's FDE for the C-82. Reading the descriptions on the two packages, not only is it a new flight dynamics set, but also a revised MDL with proper reference point, panel, etc. Unfortunately, when I tried to download the files, I got a screen saying that they could not be found. I hope they did not get lost in the server crash.
