Dambusters Operation Chastise

Donation drives

SOH Bandwidth Drive 2025

This donation drive ends in

Pat Pattle

You know I made a version of the Lancaster that carries the dam busting bomb (not sure if that is the AvH plane you are speaking to, if it is.....). With the model that I made the way the altitude lights are modeled is old.... Very long in the tooth. Since we now have Ankor's shaders there could be a way to use the landing light option for these lights. If I remember correctly the correct height was determined when the two light beams overlapped and the pilot attempted to keep the plane at this height during the bomb run. I know we can adjust the landing lights on beam size etc. I could take a look at this and see if this is more realistic than what we currenlty have. But if not it is good to see this old mission being revived.
It's ETO_Lanc_M3_Dam
Flight Model By: Rob (Capt. Winters) Stevenson
texture by John BRAVO/4 Whelan

<Loadout MissionType="CAS,Anti_Ship" Name="Upkeep">
<Hardpoint ID="0" PylonType="Upkeep_mount" Quantity="1" PayloadType="AvHistory_gb_DepthBomb_Upkeep"/>

The last time I flew this mission, IIRC, there were issues with dam placement and visuals. but I'll give it another go.