I heard a piece of classical music t'other day which I'd always thought would back a combat flight sim video rather well so I thought I'd give it a go.
The music needed beefing up a bit from the original so I used the 'Hooked on Classics' version (apologies to the purists). Also having no suitable FRAPS footage of my own I had to painstakingly (and I mean that) select clips from the OFF team's copyright videos. Hence the video's on Filefront rather than YouTube.
Anyhow I think it rather works. There's some polishing to do and I haven't yet mastered Premier Pro's compression options, so sorry for the lower quality, but what you think?
Louvert pipped me to the post a little with his Beethoven piece but...
The music needed beefing up a bit from the original so I used the 'Hooked on Classics' version (apologies to the purists). Also having no suitable FRAPS footage of my own I had to painstakingly (and I mean that) select clips from the OFF team's copyright videos. Hence the video's on Filefront rather than YouTube.
Anyhow I think it rather works. There's some polishing to do and I haven't yet mastered Premier Pro's compression options, so sorry for the lower quality, but what you think?
Louvert pipped me to the post a little with his Beethoven piece but...