Dance of the Furies OFF Video Compilation



I heard a piece of classical music t'other day which I'd always thought would back a combat flight sim video rather well so I thought I'd give it a go.

The music needed beefing up a bit from the original so I used the 'Hooked on Classics' version (apologies to the purists). Also having no suitable FRAPS footage of my own I had to painstakingly (and I mean that) select clips from the OFF team's copyright videos. Hence the video's on Filefront rather than YouTube.

Anyhow I think it rather works. There's some polishing to do and I haven't yet mastered Premier Pro's compression options, so sorry for the lower quality, but what you think?

Louvert pipped me to the post a little with his Beethoven piece but...
Salute Dej,

It's very likely my internet connection, but I have tried twice to download your video and it was cancelled midway through both times. And I did not mean to beat you to the gate Sir, but I have been called a pip before...he he he.


I've uploaded a zipped version (it's a little smaller but not a lot ) to FileFront too, maybe that'll help:

I've successully d/l'd the other file so it is accessible. I'll see if I can host it somewhere else in case it's FileFront causing problems.
Dej: WOW! :faint: ..really well done. That should be on the OFF website video dl page for sure. Excellent :ernae:
Thanks Rabu and all.

I wouldn't want it up on the OFF site in it's present state though. The 'choreography' (for want of a better word) isn't quite correct yet.

I'm doing some more work on it tonight though and will put up a revised version later, after which, if the OFF Team want to use it I'd be honoured.
Well done Dej! Lots of great action shots and a very stirring sound track. Did you use invisible cockpit in order to get some of those outstanding fly-bys?


I should emphasise that none of the video clips used are mine.

They are all from the preview movies made by Polovski or from the Over The Coast video by Sandbagger.

I've simply sliced, spliced and compiled them to try to fit to the music.
Final version on Filefront:;13393884;/fileinfo.html

I say 'final'... I'm still seeking to improve the image quality without a massive file size. Anyone recommend any good settings in Premier Pro, bearing in mind I'm compressing already compressed clips? Uncompressed seems to generate a file of 10GB! So, not an option.

Anyhow, this version is 'topped and tailed'; has some footage changes and, I think, syncs better with the music. Also rid of those annoying black strips down the side of the clips from Over The Coast.

Hope you enjoy it.
May we attach this link to help support interest in our sim? I have a forum or two in mind. :gossip:
May we attach this link to help support interest in our sim? I have a forum or two in mind. :gossip:

I'm afraid proper permission is not mine to give, Rickitycrate.

Whilst you're welcome to attach it from my point of view, and I'd love to have it help generate interest (and revenue for the OFF Team) the video contains copyright material which is owned by OBD Software.

A representative of OBD would need to say it's okay.