Dark Cockpit Environment


Charter Member
One concern I've come across is a dark cockpit, regardless if I have all the cabin and dash board lights on the light environment is dark ?? Any ideas what I've over looked ?
One concern I've come across is a dark cockpit, regardless if I have all the cabin and dash board lights on the light environment is dark ?? Any ideas what I've over looked ?

Maybe a silly question. Have you turned up the lights? Some airplanes do not use an on-off switch.
One concern I've come across is a dark cockpit, regardless if I have all the cabin and dash board lights on the light environment is dark ?? Any ideas what I've over looked ?

Could you post a screenshot showing the problem ?
Hello Simmers, Heck if I can post a screen shot , not possible :( Just loaded the Flt Sim on my PC this past weekend, took the Cessna 152 and Citation for some daytime circuit and bumps when I noticed especially with the 152 the panel lighting is bright in the middle of the dash board but very dark on the cockpit peripheral almost like the remaining cabin wasn't being immersed in the sunshine coming thru the cabin windows ?? With the Citation all the panel lights are at their fullest but I'm finding it difficult to read the panels. I remember back in the FSX days hitting the "L" key took care of the cabin lighting which was always very bright but it certainly isn't the case with MSFS2020 at the moment.
I don't have the Citation, but from what I understand, the 152 is really geared more for day use in this sim. The only interior light available is the dome light.
Appreciate the thought Tom, I've pushed every button possible in the 152 with no better results, although I will say the 172's interior lighting during the day is noticeably better .... go figure ??