Darn, it won't install :-(


FS Veteran
.... and it don't tell me why ..... 'unexpected error' and 20.000 lines with gibberish in the install log.... grrrr.......
Have you tried launching it by right-clicking on the program and clicking "run as administrator" ?
Yes, that's the ONLY way I install anything ;-)

Managed to get it working now... after upgrading .net to 4.5.1 .... not sure that was it though. I still got some error message, but it is running now....... well, it was... before it crashed flying Bill's Mooney .... :love-struck:
lolol... Its their Mooney. I only made it for them. :S

Sorry it crashed.

Note, this sim now uses the Graphics Card to handle the scenery/terrain Cache (Memory). If you are using ORBX, some people are reporting crashes and OOM's in it (over ORBX territories). I had this with ORBX in V1 also.

But.... As I was saying, when you load up the sim, you get to the tarmac, note that it continues to load scenery/terrain into the GC card, flashing it onto VRam. It takes a few seconds. As this is happening, frame rates are way low, like 50% down. When it finishes (5 to 10 seconds) the frame rates should then go back to the top.

Also, you may need to save your flight and reboot if the sim starts to slow down. This is only in cases where you have been flying for perhaps 2+ hours. The platform is designed to continuously flush out scenery cache after you have passed over area's, but it does still load up now and then.

You might restart the computer to fully 'clean' your cache up. That helps big time, I found.
Thanks Bill. Will hope to find some time to experiment and fly ;-) And no, I don't have any Orbx stuff......