Dasault MD-311


Charter Member
Need some help, guys. Can't figure out how to start and keep the engines running on this beauty. The instructions are in the documents, but I can't read French.
It's 4 am so I make no promises that any translation will not accidentally include offensive words:mixedsmi:
but the translated Checklist.html is attached (as a .zip file to satisfy the attachment limits)

Engine settings have been listed assuming you are going to keep the stock gauges.
Note: I use the 2d panel for engine start then switch to the VC

Thanx a bunch for the translation. It's helped greatly. I worked on a bunch of recips in the early part of my Air Force career and understand the procedure but have always used the VC in virtual flying. The only thing evading me now is the magneto switches. I'm used to rotary switches that allow you to select Left, Right, or Both.
Well, finally I got the engines running. Thanx again, Rob. Damndest mag switches I've seen. Is that a European design? Only European aircraft I ever worked on was a Dutch F-84, and that's still a US design, and a B-57 Canberra. And they're both jets. But all's well that ends well. :ernae:
Mais oui! it is European! Probablement encore Francais!

But don't forget, on this side of the pond we had a bunch of variations before it settled on the familiar 'car-key' left-right-both-start switch too.
This, in fact, is rather elegant in design.. first you must turn on fuel pump, then an electric (solenoid?) to open the fuel line, then another to open the oil system then the mags - prevents trying to crank a "dry" engine. Then you hit the starter. That logic helped me work out the translation.

A partial-throttle start is common and note that once temps and pressures are up it idles nicely at 650 RPM. Also the fuel pump is only needed in start and landing - otherwise it draws according to engine demand.

Another note... the plane seems rather clean so make sure to allow time to slow to approach speed.

Took the MD-311 for a check ride from Morocco to the Canary Islands. It's a great plane. I'm entirely happy with it.:jump:
Hi Waco,
here is a simple trick if you don't want to start the engines each time you choose this aircraft, just had two slashes in the panel.cfg file, "window00", line "gauge00" as shown here:



