Dave Garwood's DH-89A for FS2004


Charter Member
Hi Guys,

Does anyone have a copy of Dave Garwood's Dragon Rapide for FS2004? I've downloaded it from 3 different sites and the installer fails on all of the downloads! The first time I run it, Windows 7 says it didn't run correctly and it applies compatibility settings.The next time I run it, the installer opens and following the normal prompts, it starts to install then I get a warning window that a file is missing and the installer shuts down. It creates a folder in the FS9 aircraft folder that's empty.

Does any one have this installed that would be willing to zip it up and send it to me? Appreciate any help!

I fly it regularly, in fact about 3 hours today (before I saw this thread) to take advantage of the new East African Airways paint, so it obviously installed and works fine.

I'd love to help, but I don't think either XP or Vista can be zipped and sent (size & copyright issues). Seriously tho', the installer was compiled in 2005 so it's not surprising that there may be compatibility issues with an OS three steps removed from the one in use at the time of creation. That's not a problem with the installer, but with the progress toward a "better mousetrap"

With a couple of add-on paints my DH-89 V2 folder is 77Mb so it might have to get bundled in a few chunks if you still need it.