Dave Garwood's DH-89A for FS2004


Charter Member
Hi Guys,

Does anyone have a copy of Dave Garwood's DH.89a Dragon Rapide for FS2004? I've downloaded it from 3 different sites and the installer fails on all of the downloads. I've tried running it as Admin but that doesn't help.

I also tried to run Dave's FSX version of the DH.89a and the installer worked but the plane won't run in FS2004.

Does any one have this installed that would be willing to zip it up and send it to me? Appreciate any help!

Rgr that Andy:encouragement:

If he has downloaded from us and is having problems, I'd like to know so it can be sorted out;)

Ah, you may need to run installer in compatibility mode for an earlier Windows version if you're using WIN 7 or WIN 8



I had problems with unpacking under Win7 myself, used my wife's old laptop (WinXP)to do so (and saved an unpacked copy for further use).

Best regards,
Thanks for all the help, guys!

Dave, I just tried the cbfsim download and had the same problem as it would unzip but the installer wouldn't run (well, it ran but nothing happened). Don't know what's up with this file version, but yours is not the only file that won't load for me, so its not a corrupt file. Maybe something unique about my install, but I'm just running vanilla Win 7/64. Gremlins...lol

Then I tried the download at the Ford Trimotor Project (thanks, Ed) and it worked like a charm! This version uses a different installer and I now have the DH.89a up and running in GW3/FS9 and I'll be going back to get the float version next! :biggrin-new:

This is a really nice model of the DH.89!
Cheers! :ernaehrung004:

Hi Mate, Ed put you onto the right track - the Ford Project has a straightforward copy from Dave Garwood and with his consent we made a safe easy installable version of each of his models for the Ford Site.

Then we added a bucket of textures for her to make her even more enjoyable across a global environment.


The second half of the Ford Project Team :adoration:
Late to the party as usual!
The installer used in the old FS2004 models has trouble with Win7 (& probably 8) but should work if run as admin I believe, although saying that, I've just tried it here & it worked fine without.
Could be your anti-virus blocking it as well.
Late to the party as usual!
The installer used in the old FS2004 models has trouble with Win7 (& probably 8) but should work if run as admin I believe, although saying that, I've just tried it here & it worked fine without.
Could be your anti-virus blocking it as well.

Would explain why I had no issues, I always run files as admin just through habit. Still a lovely model Dave, and an essential for many simmers.
Thanks Andy, although the current FSX version is much better. :friendly_wink:

I've just downloaded the FSX version from CBFSIM.
Opening the ZIP shows no installer - just the required files.
Moving the files to their new homes was the work of a few moments.

No issues at all. A lovely add-on.
