Pat Pattle
It is with a very sad heart to let you all know that David died on Saturday.
I will miss him greatly, not only as a fellow modder but as a friend. Despite his long term illness he was always upbeat. As a fellow simmer his contribution to our hobby was enormous.
Goodbye mate.
I recieved this email from his Wife Jennifer;
"Clive I am contacting you because I think you are one of David’s flight simulator friends. David died on Saturday at North Shore Hospital. I think the toll of all the cancer treatments, and getting other cancers along the way, and in the end Covid, was too much for him. I will be forever grateful that I was with him when he died. We have spent 33 years together, almost half my life, so I am going to miss him desperately.
I don’t know what happens now with his flight simulator files. He had a special computer for his flight simulator and I can’t seem to turn it on. His Nephew is an IT expert so he may be able to help.
Clive are you able to let his Flight Simulator companions know that David has passed on?"
I will miss him greatly, not only as a fellow modder but as a friend. Despite his long term illness he was always upbeat. As a fellow simmer his contribution to our hobby was enormous.
Goodbye mate.
I recieved this email from his Wife Jennifer;
"Clive I am contacting you because I think you are one of David’s flight simulator friends. David died on Saturday at North Shore Hospital. I think the toll of all the cancer treatments, and getting other cancers along the way, and in the end Covid, was too much for him. I will be forever grateful that I was with him when he died. We have spent 33 years together, almost half my life, so I am going to miss him desperately.
I don’t know what happens now with his flight simulator files. He had a special computer for his flight simulator and I can’t seem to turn it on. His Nephew is an IT expert so he may be able to help.
Clive are you able to let his Flight Simulator companions know that David has passed on?"