David Willets ' Daiwilleti'

Pat Pattle

It is with a very sad heart to let you all know that David died on Saturday.

I will miss him greatly, not only as a fellow modder but as a friend. Despite his long term illness he was always upbeat. As a fellow simmer his contribution to our hobby was enormous.

Goodbye mate.

I recieved this email from his Wife Jennifer;

"Clive I am contacting you because I think you are one of David’s flight simulator friends. David died on Saturday at North Shore Hospital. I think the toll of all the cancer treatments, and getting other cancers along the way, and in the end Covid, was too much for him. I will be forever grateful that I was with him when he died. We have spent 33 years together, almost half my life, so I am going to miss him desperately.

I don’t know what happens now with his flight simulator files. He had a special computer for his flight simulator and I can’t seem to turn it on. His Nephew is an IT expert so he may be able to help.

Clive are you able to let his Flight Simulator companions know that David has passed on?"
Very sad news indeed. Always cheerful, and friendly, despite his illness, and was coming up with new improvements right up to even this month. He will certainly be missed.
So sad to hear

He will be missed. His contributions were many and made our hobby so much better for his being involved. Soar high my friend!:very_drunk:
Dreadful news. Will miss Him sorely . RIP David . Hope you are at peace now. Fly high my dear friend. With kind regards, Scott
What shocking news! I can hardly believe it, and had no idea he was that critically ill.. He was a man to go to for so much info and he worked tirelessly to understand many of the workings of CFS3 files, not to mention all his campaign work. His passing will leave a great void in CFS3 knowledge. My thoughts also go to his wife and family who will of course be more devastated than we could ever be.
Oh no!!

Even though I didn't have much personal contact with him (as our interests seemed to have been in different areas of CFS3), he surely was one of the old hands and a regular of this hangout. And just like in RL, it is always comforting to see familiar faces or see/read what they are working on. So he (and his work) will certainly be missed!!
Can't imagine what it must be like for his wife after such a long time together. Please wish her all the best in these difficult times, Clive! (That goes for you too; we're approaching the age where these things start to happen to friends and it ain't fun to lose them)
That's a very sad loss to the community here, but even more so to David's family. My condolences to his wife and family, he'll be really missed by all of us.
He was a big part of this SOH CFS3 family, I knew he wasn't well but it's still
a shock. He will be missed here, my condolences to his wife and family.
This is so sad, as recently as last Wednesday he was trying to help me sort out my ETO issues and was always there to trouble shoot other's problems. His contribution to this community can not be overstated. Fly on Dave!
Terrible news, my condolences to his family at their time of grieving, he was always one of the first to step up and help when people needed it, he will be truly missed, I feel lucky to have known him.

God speed Dave
Here's a few photos of David that his wife Jennifer kindly sent. Few of us ever actually meet in the real world so I thought it would be nice for all to see these.

I have a link to the streaming of his Funeral Service which will be held on 12th December 12:50pm (NZ Time). If anyone would like it too please let me know.

Thanks for those Clive, Email me the link. I also emailed Jennifer the SOH link for this thread so she can see our sense of loss as well.
Clive and I have been asked to put a few words together on David's CFS3 hobby, so I know some of you really appreciated his stuff. Just add it here and Clive and I will make it good for even those not into flight sims; I hope!