Day of the Albatros


The Bordeaux-Red Baron

This is my second video - a pitty, that the quality isn't better on YouTube.
But hope, you like the music.
Does anyone know a better video service, with higher resolution possible?

Edit: Note: this fight was still made with patch 1.1 I just read, that 1.2 won't be Turkey shooting no more.
What would the Kaleun of the German U-Boot say: meine Herren - jetzt wird's psychologisch!
with which proggy did you do that - photoshop ? (premiere?).
Nice video !
I am waiting for P3, so only two Screenshots from P2 ..


This is my second video - a pitty, that the quality isn't better on YouTube.
But hope, you like the music.
Does anyone know a better video service, with higher resolution possible?

Very nice Olham! I hear you about the resolution. It's always cool when you can't tell what the enemy is flying :) SE5A's, they appeared to be. The music was eerily soothing compared to the onscreen violence!

Good Job!!


p.s. I'm going to tell all my wingmen that you never check your six! :whistle:
It's recorded with "FRAPS" (you can download it after paying 20,- Euro).
Edited with "Windows MovieMaker" (easy to handle - good help text).

My problem was, the most recordings are longer than 10 minutes, which is the max length on YouTube. Also, it must not be more than one Gigabyte.
That explains the quality.
Tomorrow I'll do a freeflight with some stunts, shorter though, and therefor hopefully better quality.

Hold on - you'll be in the world of "Between Heaven and Hell" soon. And you may not want to leave it anymore! It's real strong immersion!
Cheers. Olham

Thank you, Rick! But I've cut those check bit out - the vid would have been too long.
So, yes, tell them - you'll see what happens! (Lol!)
Not a t all, Ivanmoe!
It's YouTube - free for all. And I'd be happy, if OFF should reach more people that way. I wished, all combat flight simmers would find and see it - and buy it. The boys sure would have deserved it.

Have fun! Olham
Das ist gute! I see you asking about Trackir too. Something tells me you will be more deadly soon. I am very close to having Free Track running myself.
Wow! Please report about it then. If it's not too difficult to build, I may try.

My Turkey shooting may have an end now. Just read from Siggi, that Patch 1.2 improves AI again, and made them really dangerous.
Will check tomorrow!
Well if I can do it anyone can. There are some good how to vids on You Tube. The Free Track website is very helpful too. I need to make my tracking hat and then it's showtime. I had to buy a webcam so I got 15 bucks into it so far.
The hat shouldn't be a problem - I think you could even get that reflector device seperately, for maybe 20,- Dollars.
But don't you need a software? Or is it already in OFF?

Have a look into the old P2 forum. There it was shown under thread "TrackIR..."
Olham? Who made the music score? I like it. And check 6, and get Track IR, you will need it for 1.2.


edit: @Rickitycrate: get yourself a cam, that is able to take as much FPS as possible. Think that is the main issue on that freetrack. I experimented last year with a 25fps 640x480 res cam. No, it was no fun.
Checking six is no lie in 1.2 ... out of necessity I'm looking back there every couple of seconds especially when zoning in on a target ahead of me. "It" always comes the moment I look away....
Checking six is no lie in 1.2 ... out of necessity I'm looking back there every couple of seconds especially when zoning in on a target ahead of me. "It" always comes the moment I look away....

This is the first time I wish I would have eyes on the back of my head!:help:
I'm checking the 6 quite often, but had to cut more and more out of the vid, as it was 18 min long first (10 mins are max at YouTube).
For the score, see the final titles next time - it's fun to make them, with rolling up lines, like in real movies.
The first piece was "Strange Procession" by Michael Brook.
The second was "Sense of Touch" by Mark Isham (from the movie soundtrack for "L.A. Crash" - great film by the way).
Nice shooting Olham54,good to see the Jasta's kicking ass :tgun2:
good video too.
Yes, yesterday was 1.1, today is 1.2..........much harder, OBD made the AI a significant step forward.
Jayo, I think, what he means is: the new Patch 1.2 will make it a lot harder.

But for ze Allied too, zat is! My Jasta Kameraden vill now be bloodssirsty Valkyries - mmuahahahaaa!!!