DC-10 Tanker


Inspired by the shots posted in the FSX forum, I decided to work on this repaint this afternoon.

Still a WIP. Also, the real aircraft is a DC-10-10 and the Model I used is a -30

Also, the model doesn't have the belly tank... but, It's as close as I can get until someone can make the real model.

I used the Eric Cantu SGA DC-10-30 since there was a paint kit available.


Saw the real world bad boy cruising low and slow during the Freeway Complex Fire last year. Nice rendition for the SGA model.
The color was hard to nail down. The paint kit wasn't layered so I had to use some transparency to let the details show through a bit. that makes it hard to get the color close. I'll tweak it a bit today and then try to get it uploaded.

too bad you cant add the tank pod to it..bnut looks great...on a side note..in june the wonderfull state of california are going to decide if they will cancel the contract for 910 or not...they say 7 million is too much for what its capabilities are.....