DC-4 variant


Charter Member
While running errands today I stopped at a local sandwich shop for a mid-day repast. While having lunch, I noted a framed photo on the booth's wall that immediately caught my attention. When I returned home I quickly utilized Bing to search for and find a copy of the image, using the same title that was on the photo in the shop. Here is it:


I apologize for the size of the photo, I'm posting what was immediately available off the internet and if anyone's interested in seeing an enlargement I'll post that, if I can figure out how to do so. The photo's title is "Margaret Bourke-White DC-4 over Manhattan 1939." An examination of the photo disclosed this aircraft has a Constellation-like tail with three vertical stabs, the outer two are shaped like those on a Halifax MkI, the center stab, while truncated, still retains that distinctive Douglas DC-4 shape. Closer examination shows lozenge-shaped windows above the normal square passenger windows we are all used to seeing on this airplane. Has anyone ever seen any other depictions of this aircraft?


  • DC-4overManhattan1939margaretbourke-white.jpg
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This is the Original Dc-4 (later called the Dc-4E for experimental) as envisaged by Douglas and the 5 major US airlines at the time.
It was thought to be to big and to advanced for the day. Hence Douglas went back to the drawing board and came up with what we now know as the Dc-4..
Those look like DC-3 wings. And, yes, there definitely should be an FS version. GREAT photo by the way. Good catch!
As has been noted, the wings appear to be on a DC-3's pattern, only scaled-up. Lockheed did the same thing with the P-38's wings outboard of the aircraft's engines; take a look at the Connie's wings, those of the Lodestar/Ventura, and Hudson, and see how they match the P-38's wing shape. The central vertical stab definitely has a Douglas shape, not much alteration there. The nose and windscreen are similar to those on a DC-3, yet not quite, so the classic DC-4 profile is evolving in this photo. Yes indeed, this would be an interesting addition to FS9 or FSX. This thing would have been a sort of contemporary of the Airspeed Ambassador, I suppose.
Take a look at the Northrop A-17 attack bomber, built for the USAAC prior to Pearl Harbor - then take a look at the Nakajima B5N IJN torpedo/level bomber (specifically, the B5N2 version), and note the amazing similarities between both aircraft. Publications I've seen in the past indicated they bought a copy of the A-17 before WWII.
I hope this gets made for FS9 and FSX. IMHO, it's one of the most beautiful planes ever next to the DC-3 and Constellation. Too bad only one like it was made. :(