DC Designs F-15 Strike Eagle power demo, Eglin AFB

Very nice video Dean, looking forward to the update. Fantastic work and very much appreciated.
Are other people seeing artefacts behind the F-15 when it passes in front of clouds in this video ?
Are other people seeing artefacts behind the F-15 when it passes in front of clouds in this video ?

It's caused by the high zoom required to create the "airshow spectator" view point. Asobo know about it and are working on a fix.
Looks awesome! Didn't realize the Strike Eagle could do that takeoff with those big bags on the sides. (Most thrilling moment of my life was doing that in the back seat of a slick F-15D.)

Did you record that with Asobo's debug mode recorder? The audio effect is spectacularly authentic.
Looks awesome! Didn't realize the Strike Eagle could do that takeoff with those big bags on the sides. (Most thrilling moment of my life was doing that in the back seat of a slick F-15D.)

Did you record that with Asobo's debug mode recorder? The audio effect is spectacularly authentic.

The F-15E was at "display weight" so the CFT tanks were empty - total fuel aboard was 12,000lbs at take off, 8,000lbs at landing. The Strike Eagle has immensely powerful engines so if you take out the normal fuel load it really moves - sustained 8.3G max-rate turn at 420 knots ( and accelerating! ) means you actually have to come off the power on the back side of the turn to keep airspeed under control, although it doesn't go around corners as well as the F-14A/B as the turn radius is larger.