DDS Files


Possibly dumb question:

When using the plug-in to create DDS texture files in Photoshop, how do I get it to not do the sequence of smaller & smaller versions thing?

In my limited experience, I've only ever modified main textures where the receding versions are necessary, but now I need to modify some of the smaller texture files and I don't know what option to turn off!
I don't use the Photoshop plug-in, because it's a bit too complicated, but you need to turn off mipmaps. If you use Martin Wright's DXTBmp ( under CFS3 Utilities) it's easier, at least in my opinion!
Next question: I'm no wiz with alpha textures and such, but I think I'm mimicking what I've found well enough, but I'm having trouble. Why does the part on the left in the attached go weird on me when I pan (pic on the right)?
I thought it was a display issue but the other B-17 is not doing it. Any help appreciated.


  • TailTrouble.jpg
    129.8 KB · Views: 99
Absolutely no idea. If you're using 100% black or "pure green" it may be creating a transparent alpha, but that would be constant. What type of DDS settings are you using?
I'm not familiar with how the model was made, but it looks as if the logo is on a separate object hovering millimetres above the main surface of the tail. If that's the case, it's a minor display bug in CFS3: I get the same in cockpits where some details like gauge needles sometimes disappear as the view pans around.

If it's not that I dunno.
Thanks for the input. I'll play around. I solved most of it by just putting the triangle on the main skin itself as being a 'W', it still looks fine when mirrored. For DDS settings, I just use whatever the Photoshop plug-in defaults too I'm afraid.
It's not hard

For DDS settings, I just use whatever the Photoshop plug-in defaults too I'm afraid.

To save as .dds with the Photoshop plug-in there are two boxes to set, DXT and mipmaps (in your case) :-


and these are all you need bother about for CFS3 skinning. If you use alpha in your skins for see-through bits, remember you'll disable the .MOS damage file if there is one: it uses alpha to model bullet holes and other Hobbitisms. This is a known limitation of CFS3.

I find the plug-in remembers what settings I used last, so they don't always have to be re-set.

If you're using alpha in the cockpit for gauges and suchlike, use DXT3: you can also use DXT1 with alpha but I've found it's unreliable and produces unpleasant jagged artifacts instead of neat holes:-
