Thanks for posting, Yoyo.
The Super Cub is on the list simply because so many have been asking for it, despite all the excellent and free offerings by MSFS. No one more surprised than me, but the requests just keep coming in. And so....The Spitfire is on the list because over the years I've collected a huge number of drawings, and felt it was time to finally put them to use, no matter all the other excellent Spitfires out there. And it's been a really enjoyable experience. There's also a family reason - I felt I owed it to them to do one. The Seafire is because of its history plus the immense challenge of deck landings in a Spitfire/Seafire. Even using the Royal Navy's published procedures, it always an incredibly focusing experience. Can't imagine the skill level it took in real life. Despite being fairly far along, the Heron for MSFS is temporarily on hold, as strangely MSFS hasn't created working gauge code for 4-engined piston aircraft. Throttles, yes, and 2-engined piston and jet aircraft, yes, and 4-engined jets, yes, not a problem, but have to find out how to make RPM and MP gauges that actually work on pistons. This affects the DC-4, as well, naturally. When present project are wrapped up, it'll be on to solving that problem.Fox Moth models are 99.5% done, and then it's on to all the other stuff that has to happen to get them into MSFS. Makes it hard to say exactly when it'll be out at this point.Mike