Deadly Lightning


Charter Member 2014
For FIREPOWER USERS, a new skin for the Blitz, with FUG 216. and a belly pack that works, It goes through an E.A., like my wife through my wages, uploading soon. There were a handfull of these used in the last months of the war.
Nice!:applause: One of the better looking LW aircraft IMO, the few they had were used mainly as tactical reconnaisance wern't they? I'm not up on these Jerry types at all.
Thanks Guys, Lewis the flak tower is nearly finnished, apart from the guns,Thats why i took a small diversion and done this blitz, Trying to animate the guns had me pulling my hair out (whats left of it anyway) The cfs3 gmax tutorial is next to useless, in fact it has me more confused, so it will take some time for me to figure this out, I have also been confused about the loadout guns i do for aircraft, the blitz belly pack i made works like a dream, and other gunpacks i make are useless, but i cant find out how one works and another one doe's not, Pat, a lot were used for reconnaisance, a handfull as nightfighters, and also as bombers, one of the best known ops, was when they tried to bomb the ludendorf bridge at remagen over several days, i think this was also the first opperational aircraft to have an ejector seat, i have also just managed to put in a gunsight in cockpit veiw, Not very lifelike but it gives you something to aim with.
Great looking plane

This is a good looking plane.

As far as operational use as a nightfighter ... I'll check on that not sure that they were. From the LEMB site

From Oblt Kurt Bonow, and he remembers:

"During subsequent operations over Berlin from Oranienburg, I intercepted several Mosquito's but was unable to shoot one down. My feeling were that a jet airplane was tactically unsuitable for successful attacks on propeller driven aircraft"

So they were to a limited extent in testing. Didn't Know that.

Ejection seat - the Heinkel He219 was the first.
Ejection seat - the Heinkel He219 was the first.[/QUOTE]

Thanks N. I got it wrong again, its an age thing:icon_lol:
Looks great! did you keep the two tail cannons or make them inoperable in this model. I've been using an improvised 234 with the 110's belly pack, doesn't work half as good as your's will though!
Looks great! did you keep the two tail cannons or make them inoperable in this model. I've been using an improvised 234 with the 110's belly pack, doesn't work half as good as your's will though!

I cant find any info concerning the tail cannon, but as most piccies i have seen of the nightfighter, are minus the periscope, i would presume it did not have them, so i just changed the maxammo for the cannons to zero, an advantage of this also is when you fire the belly cannons the rear cannons dont fire, Cant find any info about the number of rounds either but its usually in the 200-300 for a 20mm gun pack (I think)
Way cool Jaycee!!! Can't wait for this one!

The Nachtigall retained the periscope and had a Naxos Fug 350 installed off-center (to the right) behind the cockpit because of it. There was also an Fug BI2 installed in the cockpit to help with night landings. The tail guns were also removed.

With Fug 350:
did this version have a second crew member as a radar operator? This has now caused some Ar-234 research on my part, such an interesting a/c.
Although there were not a lot of them built as nightfighters, i think there was some diversity in the aircraft, or it could be just what profile you look at, I think also it had two of a crew,
Number of 234 Nightfighters

There were about 4-5 as far as I can determine and from threads I have read. They were found to be too fast and determined to be ineffective against prop bombers and intruders. The speed at which these planes flew would have required the pilot to frequently adjust the throttle of the Jumo 004 which had a nasty tendency to not like this and show its angst by exploding or catching fire. Air brakes would have been needed but the planes were never equipped with them.

The canopy was too open, offered little or no protection, had a terrible glare that gave pilots fits as they tried to land.

There was a second crewman that required the removal of one of the aft fuel tanks. The crew member sat in this compartment isolated from the pilot. The compartment had a Plexiglas roof, but from what I have seen was very small.

As was said earlier the 234 had FuG 350 and 218 to intercept the targets. The 218 series also had warning radar to alert the crew if they were being targeted.

Given the smallish appearing gun pod I would estimate that between 200-250 rounds each for the two guns. FOOFIGHTERS' profile shows the actual gun pod that was used. The others are not accurate or were interim ideas.

It was a great plane for bombing or recces, but other uses were just desperate attempts to stave off the inevitable defeat that everyone knew was coming.

For more info go here
Thanks N. Interesting stuff. Looks like i got nothing right. I always get the right refrences when its to late,(it was uploaded yesterday.) Oh well its not compulsory for simmers to download it.
No sweat Jimmy, it looks great the way it is and is by no means incorrect. I'm sure it will find a home on many PCs, including mine. I had researched this awhile back and was just throwing some info out there.

The "Magirusbombe" pod with two MG 151/20 were used on the only two models that were built (out of thirty planned) as N stated. I have seen references about it carrying a variety of gunpods had it gone into production, including the one you have made and the Rustsatz pod used on the Bf-110. No info on ammo capacity though, sorry.
No sweat Jimmy, it looks great the way it is and is by no means incorrect. I'm sure it will find a home on many PCs, including mine. I had researched this awhile back and was just throwing some info out there.

The "Magirusbombe" pod with two MG 151/20 were used on the only two models that were built (out of thirty planned) as N stated. I have seen references about it carrying a variety of gunpods had it gone into production, including the one you have made and the Rustsatz pod used on the Bf-110. No info on ammo capacity though, sorry.

Thanks FF, i gave it 260 rpg. so use it sparingly, it dont last long:icon_lol:
I love cfs3 for its history and acuracy,as i am sure a lot of others do, and i dont like it when i upload erronious camo schemes,or other inaccuracies,But i guess where WWII stands this cant be helped.