Debug mesaage


What's up with this message that scrolls across my screen at times.I haven't played in a long time but don't remember seeing this before.It will crash to desktop most times after 3-5 messages.

I am running Xp on an older (6 years) machine.How do I check to see what is happening.Oh yea,and why does it turn the background tan color,that has happened over the years.:d
you might get better results
if you post this over at the Squacks forum
at least you'll get more views.


I hope you don't mind,
I copied this thread over to the Squawks Forum


while I have your attention,
shoot me a PM with your email address
and I will help you get connected
with the AAC Sunday Mission.
we are a little leery about posting IPs in public.
sure you're
let's try to figure this out;

we have concluded that your tan menu is due to a CFS glitch, right?

what version of TG2 are you using?
try this version...the no-splash version offered;
take the time to read the information on the page.
it might give you some insight to your problem.

and you use all of the features,
or just weather set up and the jump to other locations?

here's a link to what we call CFO_Lite;

it contains just the basics for Multi-Player Missions.
notice that it is a txt file
and needs to be changed to a zip
before opening.

let me know if this works for ya.
I had cfo lite and tailgunner installed,the no splash version.Removed TG and CFO,installed the full CFO and it's fine right now.I will put TG in later today and report back.:d
I had cfo lite and tailgunner installed,the no splash version.Removed TG and CFO,installed the full CFO and it's fine right now.I will put TG in later today and report back.:d
are you using the TG2 with Rockets version?
none of the other versions allow you to see craters
or fire rockets in Multi-Player.

I am betting the problem is something to do with TG2.
Yep,tailgunner is the problem.So how do I uninstall it.I am using the no splash version with rockets.

this is very odd...
I have never heard of a problem with this version.
okay, TG2 is installed in three place;
try this first,
go to program files/microsoft games/combat flight simulator
scroll down and find tg2.dll
delete it

fire up CFS and see if the problem is resolved.
if not, we'll go on to the next steps.
just for the heck of it,
I decided to zip up the parts of TG2
from my CFS install.
if you want to try it,
download and unzip the TG2 attachment below,
copy the contents of the TG2 English folder
into the English folder within your CFS main folder.
overwrite when prompted.
next, copy the contents of the TG2 Modules folder
into the Modules folder within your CFS main folder.
overwrite when prompted.
finally, copy the tg2.dll into your main CFS folder

fire up CFS, get into a bomber and test your guns.
let me know how it goes
If I delete the tg2.dll , the game crashes immediately to desktop.I assume it writes in the cfg file? I didn't see anything in the modules folder but I will download yours and compare them.
tg2 overwrites the files in the zip with the self installer.
my thought was to give you my copy,
just to see if it works for you.
if it does not and you want to completely uninstall tg2,
try copying the files in the zip from your CFS disk
and pasting them into the English and Modules folders
and delete tg2.dll.

sorry for the convoluted answer.
I am trying to avoid telling you to re-install CFS from scratch.
fortunately, CFS is a rather small program
and it doesn't take too long to do the job.