December 7, 1941



~S~ All,

It was December 7, 1941, 0700 hrs ZULU, when the Allies launched a surprise attack on our Axis ships in the South of France. They destroyed some of our ships and damages some also, but they paid dearly for it. Blue Zulu was everywhere shooting they down from the sky with his FW-190a, while smilo maned the ships in the harbor killing more then his fair share of the Limy Swine.

It was a great game, with lots of action and loads of fun, thank you smilo, for a job well done. I am looking forward to next Sunday's AAC_Mission.

don't forget Graham. He also did a fantastic job today, as did Johnny!
I believe that everyone had a great time today, even the Allied Pilots that we sent on the Swimming Party.

just to clarify, this week's AAC Sunday Mission was a take off of the old CFS Single Mission, "Ships of Opportunity".
the difference being that it was a Multi-Player Session and that I used 5 machines in the Game. 4 machines provided active targets and I used 1 to Host the Game and "Pilot" a ship and act as Air Traffic Controller.
Fun Stuff, if I do say so myself.
in a word, yes.
it is something I have been working on for months.
I was never able to connect them all to a IP game and have them visible to other pilots.
turns out that the problem was with my modem/router only allowing one machine at a time to connect to an online game.
I just got a Motorola modem/router and now I can do what I want.
if you are interested, I will explain how I set them up for a MP Session.
if not, I'll shut up and keep it to myself.
good night. 01:45 is rapidly approaching and I need to sleep before work.

~S~ s,

Graham held his own as did I, but Graham departed the game and Blue had to do double duty. They do work good together, there is no doubt. Blue's name kept running across my screen. ...shot down by AAC_Blue Zulu, along with the smilos. Until they had had enough and all ran away. I think 1100 is sorry he taught them so well.

Well, til next time,

~S~ all !

No time to fly this mission. My daughter arrived from Lappland and she kept me busy all Sunday...

Well done Axis pilots !

Hello Smilo,

I am definitely interested, but am in no position to implement currently.

- Ivan.