Dedicated Server Possibility



Ok guys. I was wondering this.

Would it be possible to host a dedicated server off a PC for CFS3. I Have 3 rigs in my home which are all mine and are all on all the time. Now I was wondering if it would do any good to Install CFS3 and/or ETO on them and host a server consistantly so you dont have to wait for the games to be hosted. (well obv u can) but it was just a way so that you could always have a little bit of MP action if you wanted it.

If this is a good idea or anyone would like me to do so i have no problems what so ever with hooking up one of my rigs to do that.


Krank :)

PS. And where do I get Firepower addon (not sure of name)

ok guys. I was wondering this.

Would it be possible to host a dedicated server off a pc for cfs3. I have 3 rigs in my home which are all mine and are all on all the time. Now i was wondering if it would do any good to install cfs3 and/or eto on them and host a server consistantly so you dont have to wait for the games to be hosted. (well obv u can) but it was just a way so that you could always have a little bit of mp action if you wanted it.

If this is a good idea or anyone would like me to do so i have no problems what so ever with hooking up one of my rigs to do that.


krank :)

ps. And where do i get firepower addon (not sure of name)

i am sure ppl would like that krank , however don't forget to turn ur firepower off or other ppl won't be able to join your games or at least ppl who don't have firepower.